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Next Day

Knock, Knock

"Come in"

"Good morning, Mr. Min" Hoseok said as walked towards Yoongi's table with a smile, But he got confused when Yoongi didn't replied him. He placed the coffee on the table. And cleared his throat again & said.

"Good morning, Mr. Min" Still not a reply, The older didn't even glanced at Hoseok, which was breaking his heart. He was all clueless that why Yoongi is behaving like that.

"S-something wrong, Mr. Min?" He asked again hoping Yoongi would reply now, but no answer, Yoongi was doing his work on his laptop being Unbothered as if there's no one.

Yoongi sighted Closing his laptop & took his telephone calling someone through it.

"Come to my cabin" He ordered putting the telephone down resting his body on the chair still not glancing at Hoseok.

"Mr.Min-" His words got cut when someone knocked the door.

"Come in" Yoongi allowed.

"Yes, Boss called me?" Sana asked.

"Yes, is the file is ready?" He asked.

"Yes, Sir, it's all ready" She said

"Great work, Now the meeting is about to start, so let's go" He said, & stood up walked besides him, as if he was invisible, another side Hobi's heart broke, he just couldn't imagine Yoongi did this to him. Tears started building up in his eyes, he was standing inside the cabin all alone after Sana & Yoongi went together for the meeting.

Although they weren't so close but still, They can't say they weren't attracted by each other. Hobi looked towards the door & wiped his tears.

"It's ok, Hobi, it's okay" He convinced himself taking deep breathes. As he grabbed the cup of the coffee & walked outside with a heavy heart.

-Time skip-

It was almost evening Hoseok was sitting doing nothing but waiting for Yoongi. Since he saw him only morning. But suddenly his eyes lit up when he saw Yoongi, he quickly stood up & bowed him, getting no response from the other, but still, Yoongi went inside his cabin, closing the door on Hobi's face. As Hobi came across the table, so he can go inside the cabin. But..

"Hoseok, wait!"  Sana said as she hurriedly came to Hobi.

"What happened, Sana?" He asked

"Don't go inside." She said out of breathe

"And why not?" He questioned again.

"Boss, has said that nobody will go inside the cabin, he's in the extremely bad mood" She elaborated.

"And why though? Did something happened!?"  He panicked a little

"Yes, actually the Client cheated on us, a matter something like that, I'll tell you later for now ,I've to go" She said & went inside the cabin. As hobi sighted sitting back to his place.
"So unlucky" He said to himself.

It was almost now 8 half of the staff had left, & some were leaving. Except Hoseok he was still waiting that when Yoongi will finish his work.

"Hoseok? Don't you've to go home? It's so late" She said.

"Um.. Not yet, I guess, I've to talk to Mr. Min." He said.

"You know what, listen to me & go home nobody trusts him, when it comes to work." She said, before leaving. As hobi nodded, now the whole floor was empty. Only Hoseok was the one still sitting there. After waiting for more half hour, when his limits of patience broke, he finally stood up & went inside the cabin without even knocking.

"What is this, Mr. Min" He asked out of anger. As Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"First of all go & learn some manners that how to talk to your boss!" He stood up.

"Manners my foot! You're ignoring me since morning!"  He said.

" So you want my attention now? Seriously? Why? Where's Jungkook? Plus I'm no one to do that ain't I? " He replied back.

"Oh God, can you pls stop mentioning Jungkook!?"  He said being pissed off.

"You know what you're just wasting my time, so pls go & do this drama anywhere else, I've alot of works to do."  He said.

"Drama!? You're calling my feelings drama!?" He said trying not to cry.

"Woh! Only yours!?  What about my feelings, I'm a human too!?" He replied back.

"But what you did wasn't right" Hobi said.

"And what you're doing isn't right either, talking to your boss like this isn't a good thing, and after all who am I to you? No one! Right!" He said while his eyes showing how hurt he was because of what hobi said, another side hobi realized that what he said really hurted Yoongi, he can imagine how Yoongi felt when hobi said those words to him, he immediately regretted for what he said to Yoongi yesterday.

"I-i'm sorry, Mr. Min" He apologized to Yoongi for his words, & left the cabin while controlling his tears, not wanting face the older, cus if he did, he'd end up crying in Yoongi's arms again.

"Ugh!!" Yoongi, groaned I frustation, roughly sitting back on his chair. Pulling his own hairs.

And the other side, Hoseok came out of the cabin, wiping his tears, calming himself. As he started packing his things with his shaky hands. And left the Building.

Any thoughts about the next part?

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