Love me Tonight (M)

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Yoongi's car stopped in front of Hoseok's apartment as they both looked at eachother. Yoongi took Hoseok's hand & kissed it.

"Don't go~" He whined as Hobi chuckled, carresing Yoongi's soft cheek. As they both made eye contact
& Yoongi started leaning closer to Hoseok, his eyes couldn't see anything but Younger's soft plump lips. He just couldn't resist it.

Hoseok can feel his hot breathe & next moment he finally felt Yoongi's lips above his lips. He closed his eyes kissing him back softly.

That was a soft kiss, yet Yoongi pulled out removing his seat belt hovering above Hoseok, pushing the co-driver seat backwards.

This time passion rushed in Hoseok's blood as he wrapped his hands around Yoongi's neck & they both kissed again. But this time making out passionately.

After a while of making out, Yoongi pulled out & huskily whispered something in Hoseok's ear, sending shiver to his spines. "Let's go to your room, Baby"


As soon they both entered inside the lift Hoseok was pinned against the wall, & Again Mr. Min was kissing him insanely not caring that the cctv camera inside the lift was recording everything.

Somehow both of them stumbled to Hoseok's room still making out. As soon they entered inside the room Hoseok closed the door behind himself.

Yoongi grabbed his thighs as Hobi jumped wrapping his legs around Yoongi's waist & Yoongi walked towards the bed placing Hoseok on the bed.

They both pulled out from there hot make out session & Hoseok started unbuttoning Yoongi's shirt.

"Baby, think again do you really want it?" Yoongi asked as Hoseok looked at him.

"Yes, Mr. Min, I want you to Love Me Tonight" He said letting his burning desires out.

And the next moment Hoseok found himself pinned on the bed by Yoongi

" Ofc baby, now let me take care of you"

He said removing his black choker kissing his neck, painting his neck with hickies. Hoseok was moaning madly & Yoongi was loving it, that how Hoseok was sexily moaning. Yoongi's hands went down as he unzipped Hoseok's skinny pants loosing it a little taking out his silver shirt which was tugged inside his pants.

His hand slid inside Hoseok's Shirt as he touched his stomach, but he got confused when he found a soft tummy instead of abs. As he pulled out from Hoseok's neck.

"W-what happened, Mr. Min?" Hoseok asked panting heavily.

"You've a tummy?" He asked with a confused face & went down lifting the shirt up to see it, and another side Hoseok, whose eyes were totally wide, he was so embarrassed about it.

"Aww, so cute" Yoongi cooed as he pecked.

"What? Isn't it's weird?" Hoseok asked.

"No, why would it be? In fact it's so cute, I like it" He said pecking his tummy again "wait, don't tell me you were insecure about it..?"


"Ohho, baby, doesn't matter if you're a boy it's not necessary to have abs, it's what makes you unique, you shouldn't be insecure about it, my love" He said while tugging Hoseok's hair behind his ear.

Well- um.. I tried to make it up through gym & pills, but it didn't worked." He said sadly.

"Because, you're beautiful & perfect in just the way you're, you don't need these things." He said smiling softly pecking younger's lips.

"I-i thought, you won't like it"

"Aww, My Baby is so sensitive, Listen here my love no matter however you're, I'll love you, I'll love you forever in the same way, there's is no need to be insecure over little things, some things are just natural, if it's doesn't works it means God doesn't want it, you're perfect enough"  He said leaving a soft kiss on his forehead.

Both males connected there lips once again in a hot kiss Yoongi's hands were caressing Hoseok's thighs. He pulled out from the kiss. Removing his shirt throwing it on the floor somewhere.

Then he turned off the lights putting a blanket on, removing Hoseok's skinny Pants.

"Preparation or Straight to the point" Yoongi asked.

"S-straight to the point" Hoseok replied.

"You sure baby, it'll hurt" Yoongi confirmed.

"Y-yeah, I'm sure" Hoseok said.

Yoongi sighed, intentionally kissing him to distract his mind. After he found Hoseok was busy in kissing him. He took the chance entering his cock inside the Younger as soon as Yoongi entered, Hoseok nearly jumped on the bed. A scream of pain left from Hoseok's throat. As tears started flowing from his eyes.

"M-mr.Min!" He gripped his shoulder tightly.

"Baby, baby, it's ok, it'll be fine"  He kissed his forehead, leaving a few kisses on his face too. And finally after a while.

"M-mr.Min, m-move" Hoseok said shyly. As Yoongi started moving gently.

"Is it good?" He whispered moving gently.

"U-umm- hmm~" The satisfaction Yoongi being inside him, thursing gently was just too much, causing he was moaning slightly. soon he felt Yoongi moving a little faster.

"O-oh gosh! T-this is s-so good" Hoseok threw his head back in pleasure wrapping his legs around Yoongi pushing him deeply inside himself.

"Fuck, so tight, baby, do u feel it? Do you feel my little friend inside you?"  He asked increasing his thurst now moving roughly.

"O-oh, yes! I love it!"  He was closing his eyes tightly. Wrapping his hand around Yoongi. A loud moan left his mouth. "Ahh~ f-faster!"

Just in some minutes the bed was hitting the wall, while both males enjoying there First Sex.

"Ah! There! Right there! I'm cuming!" Hoseok said.

"Cum baby cum, cum for Me"  He said giving last thursts to Hoseok who finally came on his tummy & Yoongi came inside him. Both of them collapsed, Yoongi laying besides him.

"Ah, I'm so tired"  He said lazyly.

"Already? This was just a trailer, baby" He smirked, As Hoseok's eyes went wide. "W-what?" 

"Means we're not done yet"  He said hovering above him.

"We're still not done?"  He asked, feeling Yoongi's Hands aparting his thighs.

"Yes, my love as you said me to love you to tonight, I'll just love you tonight" He said pecking his lips Going down.

"Wait, what are you doing, Mr. Min"  Hoseok asked.

"Today I'm going time show you something new" He said.

"W-what is it?" He questioned again.

"This is called Tongue Technology" He smirked.

Any thoughts about next part?

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