Secret Couples

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A/n Pov:

Next Day, In Min co-opration Hoseok was in a empty room of full of shelfs of some old files. He was so busy in checking a file, that he didn't realised how someone entered in the room & locked the door behind. Hoseok was still busy when he felt someone grabbing his waist turning him around, he was about to scream at this point. But the person was fast enough to speak.

"Shh, Baby it's me"

"Oh, God, Mr. Min! " He said with a Gasp-Relief face, & Yoongi who chuckle softly pinning him against the shelf.

"Is it a bad thing if i come to see my boyfriend? "

"No but-"

"You're so cute, you know" Yoongi said in a adoring way.

"What are you doing here? " Hoseok questioned.

"To have look of your beautiful face" Yoongi replied teasingly

"And if anyone sees us here?" Hoseok raised a brow.

"The door is locked, plus what are they gonna do if they see us together? Nothing." He said as if it was not a big deal.

"Ok, ok. Fine. Now let me go, I've to prepare this file for meeting."

"I need a kiss" He leaned a but closer.

"Not here-" He was cut off by Yoongi again.

"Yes, here. Now kiss me!" Yoongi was stubborn.

"Mr. Min-"

"Kiss me if u don't want me to kiss you until i ruin your beautiful lips & they go numb.. The choice is yours, Baby. Either u politely kiss me or i kiss you in my own way. Choose now."  Yoongi said tracing his index finger on Hoseok lips, Hoseok who just gulped not knowing what to do.

Yoongi took the file from him boyfriend's hand, throwing it on the nearby table, as he pulled Hoseok closer to himself, Their chests pressed together, Yoongi could feel Hoseok heart beating fast against his own chest.

"Do i make u this nervous, Darling? " Yoongi asked placing a soft kiss on his chin. "Are you seriously being nervous, after whatever we've done yesterday, all night?"

Before Hoseok could even react pressing his own lips on Hoseok's lips, they softly kissed for a while, then pulled out joining their foreheads together.

"Shall we leave for the meeting?" Yoongi asked, caressing Younger's face

"Mhm.. "

"I can kiss you forever like this if you literally look this pretty after making out, trust me, Seokie" He smiled.

"Stop buttering & let's go we're late already" Hoseok replied trying not to blush at the nickname.

"I love you" Yoongi said randomly to remind him he loves him.

"I love you more" Hoseok replied.

"No! I love you-"



"You sure it'll be beneficial for both of us, Mr. Choi?"  Yoongi asked.

"Personally, as an old businessman, i believe it does works. If we work on it hard, with efforts, You know what i mean."  Choi Yowoon said, the other businesses man.

"Mr.Choi.."  Yoongi leans back on his chair, While his other hand was on his boyfriend who was sitting next to him, On Hoseok's thighs from under the table."You know I work, i work hard or i don't work" 


I see you're a passionate businessman, & your hardwok is what you've become now, & To be really, really honest. I'm really honoured that my company is Partner-shipping with yours company"  He said it like he really meant it, & of course who wouldn't, The Min Cooperation was a well known company in whole South Korea.

"I see.. So shall we...?"  Yoongi confirmed.

"Yes, let's seal the deal"  Yowoon stood up & extended his hand for a handshake.

"Alright, See you tomorrow"  Yoongi did the same accepting the handshake.

"Have a nice day, too, See you tomorrow again" Yowoon said as everyone else in the meeting room stood up from their places making their way towards the room's exit to leave.

Hoseok also stood up walking towards the the shelf to put the file, but suddenly someone squeezed his butt from behind, He hisses in annoyence & yanks the hand on his butt, knowing it was Yoongi.

As soon he settled the file he turned around but was shocked to see that Yoongi was standing still on his place, checking something in his phone while his back was towards Hoseok. While the other side The Younger was very confused that if it wasn't Yoongi then who was it. He looked towards the exit but everyone had already left.

"M-mr.Min-"  He was beyond of shocked.

"Yes, Darling?"  Yoongi replied in once. But even after a long silence when Hoseok didn't replied, Yoongi turned around & walks towards him. "Hoba?"

"Y-yes?" Hoseok snapped.

"You okay? You didn't answered me?"  Yoongi caressed his cheeks.

"Y-yeah, i-i was asking if any file would be created for this project?" He changed the topic for himself, ignoring the fact that he was sexually harassed by someone who he didn't saw.

"Yeah, Some.. Let's just leave it for now, There's a new café nearby, let me take you for a coffee." Yoongi smiled. As he dragged him outside of the meeting room for a small coffee date.

Any thoughts on next part?

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