Coffee at my place

333 31 5

Next Day ~

"Excuse Me!" Hoseok said as he ran behind a man.

"Yes?" The man said as he turned around.

"Well, actually you dropped a document"  Hoseok said, giving the paper to the man.

"Ah, clumsy me! Thank you, Mr.??" He said forwarding his hand towards hobi.

"Hoseok... Jung Hoseok" Hobi said with a smile shaking his hands to the other one.

"Oh, Myself, Jungkook... Jeon Jungkook, well never saw you here, sir?" Jungkook said.

"Yeah, actually, I've joined yesterday as Mr.Min's Personal Assistant, & pls call me Hobi" Hoseok said.

"I see, & Hobi is a cute name, you can call me Kookie" Jungkook said showing his cute bunny smile.

"Aw, you've such a cute smile" Hoseok said. Suddenly there a girl came & screamed. "Boss, is here!!"

As everyone quickly ran to there place including Jungkook.

"Oh, shit! See you again, Hyung have a good day" Jungkook said as he ran to his place.

Hoseok was just looking around at everyone being dumbfounded, not knowing what to do. There was a pin drop silence Until he heard someone's foot steps coming towards, his heart started to beat faster. & soon Yoongi entered as a guard Opened the door for him. & with the speed of light everyone stood up bowing to Yoongi who was coming towards Hoseok he was wearing a Proper coat with a Expensive watch & Sunglasses as soon he came towards Hoseok he stopped & looked at him sliding his glasses a little with his index finger, he eyed Hoseok & said something which only Him & Hoseok could hear.

"Good morning, Mr. Jung" Yoongi said.

"G-good M-morning, Mr. Min" Hobi shuttered.

Yoongi again fixed his glasses & walked inside his cabin as Hoseok let out a heavy breathe, but suddenly he gasped & hurriedly walked towards the kitchen to prepare a Coffee for Yoongi.

Knock, Knock.

"Come in"

Hoseok came inside coming towards Yoongi's table placing the coffee on his table carefully.

"What's the schedule of today?" Yoongi asked as Hoseok Opened the file while nodding.

"You're having a meeting with Mr. Kang at 1:30, & another meeting with Mr. Choi at 2:40 ,another one with Mr. Shin at 3:50 & last one a dinner with Miss.Liah." Hoseok said. As Yoongi rolled his eyes at the last word.

"Cancel the dinner with liah."

"Ok, Mr. Min"

"Go & recheck these files prepare them for meetings,we're having a busy schedule today" Yoongi, said opening his laptop.

"Am I also going to be in the meeting?" Hoseok asked

"Well, how does a Personal Assistant works as?"  Yoongi asked.

"I-i'm sorry, Mr. Min."  Hoseok said in embarrassment & bowed to Yoongi taking the files before waking out of the cabin.


-Time skip-

The whole day was pretty busy for Yoongi & Hoseok both of them. But still they sorted out the meetings pretty well. Right now it was almost
9:30 of the night. Hoseok was still working on his laptop almost whole staff had left already except Yoongi & Hoseok.

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