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A/n Pov:

-Next Morning-

Knock Knock

"Come in"

"Good morning, Mr. Min"

"Morning" Focusing on the file.

"Sir, I've completed the file." Hoseok asked placing the coffee & file.

"Yes, okay, put that down & tell me the schedule of today.." He asked.

"You're having a meeting & a Lunch with Mr. Kim in his restaurant at 1, & You've a night out with Miss. Liah. Hoseok elaborate.

"Hm..prepare the files for the meeting .And Cancel the night out with Liah." Yoongi ordered.


Time skip

Yoongi & Hoseok were sitting in the restaurant, waiting for there client. Until Yoongi got a call from Mr. Kim.

"Hello, Mr. Min Good afternoon" Mr. Kim said.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Kim" Yoongi replied.

"I'm sorry, but i had to cancel the meeting, because of a emergency, I hope you don't have any problem" Mr. Kim said .

"No, it's alright, lemme know if you need something" Yoongi replied.

"That's so sweet of you, but I want you to have lunch in my restaurant as apologize by me for wasting your precious time, I hope you won't deny"
Mr. Kim requested.

"That wasn't a problem at all but if you ask, I insist" Yoongi replied with a chuckle.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Min enjoy the meal & leave the bill on me" Mr. Kim said.

"You're welcome. Mr. Kim" Yoongi said ending the call.

"What happened, Mr. Min are they coming?" Hoseok asked.

"No, they can't, cause of an emergency but they told us to have our lunch here" Yoongi said picking up the menu as Hobi sighted.

"May I get you to eat something sir?" The waiter asked.

"Ramenyeon, fried rice with a chilled Coke" Yoongi ordered.

"And for you, sir?" Waiter asked to Hobi.

"Kimchi, fried rice with sprite pls" Hoseok ordered.

"Ok, thank you, sir, we also special have a special dessert for couples here, so, if you guys would like to order?"
Waiter asked as hobi's cheeks turned red. And yoongi said.

"We're not couples mister" Yoongi answered.

"Ah, my bad, sorry sir, but you two kinda of look like, I'm sorry again."
He bowed & then left.

"W-well, what are we going to do after this, Mr. Min?" Hoseok cleared his throat and asked to yoongi.

"Maybe going to my beach for a little relaxation since, we've nothing to do special today." Yoongi said while using his phone.

"Daebak! You own a beach?" Hoseok asked.

"Why don't you wanna go?" Yoongi asked.

"No.. Sir, I was actually a little surprised, I'd love to go there" Hobi said, as yoongi slightly chuckled at his cute behavior unnoticed by hobi.

"Mr.Min, can i ask something?" Hobi asked.

"Go ahead" Yoongi replied looking at his phone.

"Who's Miss. Liah?" Hoseok asked causing yoongi looked at him.

"She's just... She's just a good of mine & nothing" Yoongi hesitantly replied.

"Oh, i see, don't get me in a wrong way, but i was just curious why do you always cancel plans with her? " Hobi said.

"Ah, I'm just not interested in parties & lunches, that's all" He said.


Time skip
After having a silent lunch Yoongi & Hoseok had came to the beach which Yoongi owns. There were alot of peoples, walking, sitting, & minding there own business.

Hoseok was standing in front of the sea, inhaling the natural wind, his heart shaped lips were formed into a beautiful light smile he was holding his sneakers in his hands while looking around.

And another side Yoongi who was standing a little far from hoseok also holding his shoes in his hands he was doing nothing but admiring Hoseok his eyes was unconditionally staring at hobi, a small smile was on his face, he didn't knew why, & what it was but seeing the other happy was making him smile, maybe he was attracted.

But who knew what was going to happen.

Hoseok was standing but suddenly something hit his back causing he fell in the water he wasn't drowning but his clothes were ruined. Another side Yoongi who was admiring him, he saw Hoseok falling in water as he panicked & ran to him.

"Hoseok, are you okay!?" Yoongi asked as he helped Hoseok to stand up.

"Aish! Yes, Mr. Min, I'm fine-" His words got cut when a boy Interuppeted them.

"Hey, you okay? I'm sorry, I didn't meant to hit you it was a acciden-" The boy.

"You fucking blind asshole! You've eyes or buttons!?" He said pushing his shoulder as Hoseok held his shoulder. "Mr.Min don't, I'm fine."

"Chill man! He didn't died it was just an accident!" The boy said.

"You can't guarantee! Can you!?" Yoongi replied angrily.

"Mr.Min, pls it's okay, I'm fine" He said. Holding Yoongi's shoulder stopping him from fight.

"You know what just get out" Yoongi told the boy as the boy gave him a weird look & walked away with his ball.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" Yoongi asked removing his coat putting it around Hobi.

"No, Mr. Min I'm totally fine, no need to worry about me." He smiled at yoongi.

"Lemme drop you home you're all wet"
Yoongi said as Hoseok Nodded & the both left from there.

Any thoughts about next part?

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