First Meet

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A/n pov:

Hoseok opened the door as he peeked inside first & then finally stepped in

"Have a seat Mr.Jung" Yoongi said without looking up.

"Good morning, Mr.Min" Hoseok said nervously as he sat on the chair.

"So.." Yoongi said as he finally looked up, but his eyes got stucked at Hobi.

"S-something wrong, Mr. Min?" Hoseok asked nervously.

"A-ah, No" Yoongi said in embarrassment. "So, can I take a look of your file?"

"Yeah, sure" He handed his file to Yoongi.

"So, you were born in daegu?" Yoongi asked.

"No, Mr.Min I was born in Gwangju, but my father had to move daegu, so we left Gwangju, & I was I finished my school, I came seoul to study for my university" Hoseok replied calmly.

"Hmm..sounds great" Closed the file
"Well, congratulations, I hire you as my P.A (Personal Assistant/secretary)" He said as he called someone through the telephone "Jimin, come to my cabin" He ordered.

"So, am I going to start the work from today?" Hobi asked.

" Kinda" Suga replied opening his laptop.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Min, this means alot to me" He said with a wide smile.

Knock, Knock

"Come in" Suga said.

"Anything needed, boss?" Jimin asked.

"I've haired him, so I want you to guide him" Suga said.

"Sure, Boss" Jimin bowed to Suga
"Follow me, Sir." Says to Hobi, As Hobi nodded & followed jimin jimin after bowing to Yoongi.

"What's your name, Sir?" Jimin asked as they came out from the cabin.

"Hoseok.. Jung Hoseok Or Hobi, & pls don't call me sir" Hobi said.

"Haha, that's a cute name, let's go to cafeteria then, I'll tell you about myself & furthermore" Jimin said as hobi nodded & they both headed to cafeteria.

"Jimin.. Park Jimin, I've been working here since, 3 years" Jimin said as he sipped his coffee.

"Wow, that's cool, how do you work as?" Hoseok asked.

"I work as Boss's P.A, & I'm resigning from here soon, I'll guide you about everything" Jimin said.

"Sorry to ask, but why are you leaving, Jiminie?" Hobi asked cutely.

"Haha, nothing special, My family is having a transfer soo....." Jimin said.

"Ohhh, aish, I thought it was something else, haha, so could you tell me something about Mr. Min? Like how does he want people to work?"
Hoseok asked.

"He's so ppassionate when it comes to his work, he wants everyone to be passionate as well, no mercy when it's about work. Let's just say no compromise about work" Jimin replied

"Seems like he loves his work so much"
Hobi said with a chukle.

"Yes, to be honest." Jimin replied.

"What about his Personality & behavior?" Hoseok asked.

"He's.. Let's get real, he's cold, arrogant, scary, savage, and dangerously scary when he's angry, but not that bad though, he treats us well, like often throwing parties, so we can take a rest" Jimin said

"That's so sweet of him" Hoseok said with a chuckle.

"Ok, now let me show you our whole company" Jimin said, standing up.

"Sure" Hoseok said & followed him.

Any thoughts about next part?

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