Chapter 1: Them

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Hi, so before I begin my story from the beginning, I’ll give you a little background information about me. My older brother, Liam, has played hockey his entire life, leaving me to be Liam’s ‘hot sister’. No, my brother is not Liam of One Direction, he’s just boring old annoying Liam. So let’s just say this is a story about a lot of things: first impressions, heartbreaks, and danger. Yes, I said danger, because believe it or not, hockey is more dangerous than you may think; even when you are sitting in the sidelines.


Picture of Lauren to the side -------------------------------------->


"Damnit Lauren, you're too slow hurry up! The guys want me there early so we can hang in the locker room." Liam shouted at me as I dragged myself out the front door, trailing my white winter coat in hand. I had on my whitish Ugg boots on, black skinny jeans and a white lacy shirt with a green cardigan over top with my favorite long owl necklace on. I loved going to hockey games and I wasn't going to miss the first game of the season.

Liam was one year older than me, and I was 15 so most of the guys on his team were either my age or 16 along with my brother. They had all been on the same team for years now, so they knew who I was. I was close to a few of them but i'm pretty sure I made them nervous. Liam had told me they talk about my hotness in the locker room and he feels awkward listening. 

"Yeah well not everyone can flip their hair to the side, throw on sweatpants and dump cologne on their bodies and look good." I said, sticking my tongue out at him. 

"Most guys can Lauren." he said, shoving my arm and sticking his tongue out back at me.

"Whatever you're adopted." I said, jokingly.

"You're adopted." He shot back at me.

"Good comeback!" I said sarcastically, shutting the car door as my dad pulled out of the driveway.

We drove in silence to the home game. My brother plays hockey in York, Pennsylvania and his team was the York Raiders. (BTW: This is made up, idk if there is a team named the York Raiders but just got with it!)

When we got to the rink we climbed out of the car and I started to walk into the building when i felt something heavy hit my back.

"Carry my bag Lauren!" Liam shouted at me, carrying his sticks and running into the building so I couldn't refuse.

"Faggot!" I screamed at him as he laughed and ran. I picked up his backpack hockey bag and put it on my shoulders, almost falling backwards onto the ground. I muttered curse words under my breathe along with my brother's name. I walked into the warming room of the rink and headed towards the doors when I was pushed almost to the ground unexpectedly.

"Hey caddy!" Nolan shouted at me. He was always picking on me, he was in my grade and we were in a few classes together. He was definitely the closest I was with anyone on the team. He would try to include me in things the boys did together and that's why he was my favorite.

"Jerk!" I yelled back at him as he entered the rink and walked around the ice into one of the locker rooms on the right. I followed him, still carrying Liam's bag. I opened up the door to the locker room and threw Liam's bag as far across the room as I could, which wasn't very far considering I wasn't the strongest 15 year old on the planet.

There were only three boys in the locker room so far. There was of course, Liam, Nolan and finally Cameron. I have had a crush on him ever since last year when he got attractive and taller. He was so attractive, he's only ever talked to me a few times. But each of those few times it made me laugh and that's most of the reason that I like him. I'm pretty sure he doesn't like me because it seems he's pretty much trying to ignore me. 

I locked eyes with him for only a second before looking away and turning to leave the locker room, which smelled, like sweat.

Before I could walk out though I was dragged down to the floor by a strong arm. my legs and arms were held down while Nolan's hands went to my sides and he tickled me. I screamed and laughed and my eyes were watering so bad I probably looked like a mad woman.

"Stop!" I let out, between laughs and shouts.

"OK." he said, getting off of me and letting me leave. My long, wavy blonde hair was probably wicked messy and my black pants had dirt smudges on them.

"I hate you." I said, before speed walking out of the locker room. I walked back into the warming room and a river of warm air washed over me, I could feel my goosebumps slowly disappearing just as the other hockey team walked in. They had matching sweatpants and jackets, god I hope they lost. They looked like such douches.

"Hey baby cakes." The front guy said to me.

"Don't call me that, sweet cheeks." I said, slapping his cheek gently, in a joking yet serious tone. 

"I'll be calling you more than that next weekend at the tournament. Our teams are staying in the same hotel. It's gonna be great." He said, with a huge smirk on his face.

"No, it will not be fun."  I said, crossing my arms.

"Yeah I think it will be." He said, smacking my ass.

"Don't. Touch me." I said, backing away.

"I'll be doing much more than that next weekend." He said, earning a giggle from the other members of his team.

"Don't get your hopes up, oh and we're gonna kick your sorry asses today." I said, before walking away and into the women's bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and examined my outfit.

'Not too shabby.' I thought to myself. We better beat those god damn jerks from Lancaster.



SOOOO none of these teams are real teams, they are not jerks or anything like that. They are not real people. Sorry if you actually live in theses towns im mentioning but don't get mad or anything. K? 

ANYWAYS! There are going to be a lot of names in this story so make sure you look over to the side and see which actors I chose to play each person! Ummmmmm and oh some of the actors are kinda older like 18-20 but for the sake of this story just make them 15-16 ya know?

KKKK! And sorry for the shortness just had a great idea and had to get it up!


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