Chapter 2: The Game

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Picture of Liam to the side ---------------------------------------------->

So after all the drama, well the closest to drama as i've ever been, I walked to the bleachers with my hockey sister blanket and sat down with it wrapped around me. I slipped on my gloves and all the guys skated onto the ice. First it was our team, all the parents and families who were cheering for York stood up and cheered and I was the loudest, may I add.

 Shortly after our team skated onto the ice, out came the Lancaster team, cocky as ever. They were waving their hands around as they skated onto their half of the ice. Now it was the other team's parents' turn to cheer and scream. We clapped our hands, showing a little of our sportsmanship.

5:00 were set on the clock for practicing shots and we all watched as they warmed up shooting pucks at the goalie, who blocked most of them.

Then the real game began, the players skated over to the benches for a pep talk and then skated out onto the ice and got into position. There was 12:00 on the clock and the whistle blew.

Already, the game was pretty rough. There were a lot of penalties on the other team, but nothing major in the first period. The game was 1-0 after the end of the first, we were beating them. We just had to keep it up into the second and third periods so we could win this.

The whistle blew again and the clock was reset back to 12:00. We were playing for only about 2:00 and we got another goal. The sirens blew, as always, and I jumped out of my seat screaming. I didn't realized until Nolan skated up to the side of the glass and motioned for me to shut up that I was being too loud.


"Sorry everyone!" I said, before sitting back down on the bench, a little embarrassed. I just really really wanted us to win this one, to show those douche bags that we could beat them anytime we wanted to.

The game started back up again and not even a minute later Liam was checked up against the board hard. No one noticed for a while, until we realized he wasn't getting up. The referee blew is whistle and the coach came running over to him.

I immediately climbed down from the benches and up to the glass so I could look down at my aching brother. He was lying on the ground his head facing up to the ceiling, he was still alive. Praise the lord for that.

I looked around the ice for the son-of-a-bitch who checked him and I found none other than that scumbag who slapped my ass in the lobby. 

He was going to die when this game was over, if he tries to hurt my brother again he is so going down. 

When Liam got up, he was able to skate back over to the bench and sit down for awhile. I quickly ran around the rink to the other side so I could talk to him.

"Liam!" I said, he turned around and hugged me. Even though we fought all the time, we were still extremely close because we were around the same age.

"I'm OK Lauren, man that guy is such an asshole. Do you know, do you know, what he said to me as he checked me against the boards?" He said, anger present in his eyes.

"No, I can't quite hear through the glass Liam. That was a dumb question." I said, looking at him like he was crazy.

"He said: 'Say hi to your sister for me.'." He said, crossing his arms.

"That dirt bag!" I said.

"So you do know him? Lauren if you go near him again..." he started.

"No, it's not me going near him, it's him going near me." I said.

"OK, well i'm sorry for wrongly accusing you." He said, dropping his arms and relaxing.

"Yeah it's OK, but you know i'm not a whore. It's not like I go around sleeping with everyone on every other team. I'm still a virgin you know." I said.

"Really? I thought you lost it already?" I heard a voice come from Nolan who just came off the ice.

"Nope, still got my V-Card." I said, pretending to swipe a credit card.

"Yeah well, that's nice to know." He said, smirking.

"Oh don't look at me like that." I said before punching him in the arm.

"Already did." Nolan said.

"Get back to the game you two, win it for me!" I said, while walking away.

By the end of the game we beat them 3-2. It was so close, but we won it so I was happy. I waited patiently outside for my brother while texting on my phone when that same guy from the other team walked out. 

I tried to walk away slowly so he wouldn't notice me but I wasn't very sneaky and he grabbed my arm before I could walk any further.

"Hey baby." He said.

"Get off of me, god you're disgusting!" I said, yanking my arm out of his grasp and pushing him back away from me. But before I could get away he pushed me against the side of the brick wall, stopping pretty much most of my breathing. His arm was on my chest and I was nearly off the ground completely.

"Did your brother give you the message?" He asked, pushed me against the wall harder. All I could do was nod my head, as I was lightheaded and couldn't seem to get words out.

"Hey man, get off of her!" I heard someone shout who just walked out of the doors. I felt his arm drop from me and I slipped to the ground.

"Whatever you say, I don't want any trouble. My name's River by the way." He said, walking away casually as if nothing had happened.

The oxygen was just starting to circulate and I was able to look over at whoever had helped me out. To my surprise, it was neither Liam or Nolan. It was Cameron.

"Thanks Cam." I said, standing on my feet.

"Yeah, no problem." He said, he seemed to look at me for awhile before looking away and heading to his car. That was all I got from him.

That's when Liam walked out with his bag and sticks along with my parents behind him.

"There's my caddy." He said, walking over to the back of the car and throwing his stuff in.

"Yeah here I am." I said, still visibly shaken.

"Hey, what's the matter?" He asked, generally concerned.

"That guy he just pushed me against the wall. Cam, he uh, he stopped him." I said, still staring at Cam putting his stuff in his car.

"Well Cam's awesome. So, i'll tell him you said thanks again. God that guy is such a douche." He said, shutting the back hatch of the car.

"Yeah, he is. His name is River by the way." I said, climbing into the car, so ready to go home. 

"Good to know." Said Liam, from beside me.



Two chapters in one night to get the story going! 

Hope you like it!

xxxxx Penny

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