Chapter 9: Therapy

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I walked out of the bathroom and down the hallway to my first period class, study hall. Which happened to be a non silent one and I don't think anyone noticed that I was late. That was except for Casey and Brad. I could feel their gaze burning through me.

Just ignore them and do your work. I thought to myself as I moved to the only spot left in the back of the classroom. I slid into my desk and pulled out my science binder.

"Hi." I looked up, expecting Casey or Brad to be standing in front of me. 

"Hey." I said, surprised that it was Lucas.

"Why are you sitting back here?" He asked, pulling a chair up to my desk.

"Why are you talking to me? And since when are you in my study hall. I thought this was a sophomore study hall?" I asked.

"I asked you first." He said, smirking.

"Fine. I was obviously late to class and this was the only seat left. Now answer me." I said.

"I'm talking to you because I want to, and I finished health and they put me in here." He explained.

"OK. I still don't know why you would want to talk to me." I said, fiddling with my thumbs.

"You're, interesting." He said.

"Thank you I guess." I said.

"What's wrong?" He asked, how did he always know when something was wrong.

"That's a good question." I said, there were too many answers.

"Come on tell me. I can handle it." He said.

"OK, I hope you're ready." I said.

"I was born ready."  He said, smiling.

"Alright, so I kissed Nolan, we had a thing for like a day. Someone sent me flowers and I have no idea who that was, then I kissed Cameron, you saw how that turned out. And then you kissed me, I told Nolan I couldn't see him. Then this morning I was two seconds away from being raped. Until Cameron and Nolan scared them away. Then in the bathroom I heard Amelia Campbell call me a slut and said that she was going to try and have sex with Nolan." I said, summing things up a lot. 

"You were almost raped Lauren?" He questioned, his voice was filled with concern.

"Yeah." I said, my gaze shifted to Casey and Brad who were both looking over at me.

"Lauren, I'm so sorry. You want me to tell Liam for you?" He asked.

"No please don't tell him. I don't want him to worry about me." I said.

"Lauren." He started.

"Please Lucas." I begged, my voice was so shaky.

"OK. Was it Casey and Brad?" He asked quietly.

"Yeah." I said, looking up at him with tears threatening to spill any minute.

"Lauren I'm so sorry, no one deserves to be harassed." He said, pulling me into a bone crushing hug and I instantly felt better.

"You're killing me." I said, my eyes were dry and he let me go.

"Sorry." He said, with a shy smirk.

"It's fine. Now I want to ask you something." I said.

"Shoot." He said, leaning cool-like against his chair.

"Why did you kiss me?" I asked, quickly. I honestly felt a little embarrassed asking him something like that. I mean really after all these years why did he pick now?

"Do you want in depth explanation or short." He asked, his relaxed position was a little tense now.

"In depth please." I asked.

"Lauren, I used to see you as Liam's little sister. Someone who was immature and just, I don't know, there was no reason for me to have a crush on you." He said.

"Gee thanks." I said, interrupting him.

"Let me finish." He said.


"Well after the hockey season ended last year, I didn't see you almost at all, even in school because you didn't sit with us last year at lunch. Last week when the season started, I looked at you and something changed." He said

."Like what?" I asked.

"Shh." He shushed me.

"Continue." I said.

"I can't really put my finger on it, you're just so different. When I talk to you, or look at you I get this feeling and I can't get enough of it. So when I saw the opportunity to get you alone, I took it. You are just irresistible Lauren. And that is why I kissed you." He finished.

"Thanks, you make me feel wanted." I said, smiling a little at him.

"You're welcome. That's my job." He said, his relaxed position was back.

"So what now?" I asked.

"Oh nothing. I like hanging with you Laure. I'm like your therapist. Maybe we can sneak a few kisses in now and then. Liam can't know, he would totally kill me." He said.

"Why would Liam kill you?" I asked.

"You honestly don't know, you don't?" He asked, looking puzzled.

"What? Tell me!" I said.

"Liam is so protective of you. Besides in the the guyble. You can't date your bro's sister." He said.

"Well that's an unfair rule." I said, pouting.

"Why are you pouting? Are you upset that you can't be my girlfriend." He was now closer to me, whispering in my ear. I decided to tease back. My hand went to his upper thigh right near his 'manhood'.

"That's not the only reason why i'm pouting." I whispered back. He froze in his spot and the bell rang. I packed up my things and got up to leave.

"Lauren?" Lucas asked.

"Yeah?" I asked, looking at him.

"Look what you do to me." He said, standing up and I could see that he had a straight up boner. Oh my god, did I do that?

"Lucas." I said, my mouth hanging open.

"It's rude to stare baby." He said before grabbing his bag and leaving the room, not even embarrassed. I was left there gawking at the back wall when I felt hands on my waist.

"Hey baby, why don't we finish what we started." Casey whispered in my ear.

"I think i'd rather get to class. Tell Amelia I said hello." I told them, smirking. His hands slid off my waist as they watched me walk out of the room. 

"Don't think you can escape us doll face,  we'll get you." He shouted as I walked out. Now that, left a chill up my spine.








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