Chapter 19: Angry or In Love?

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"Laure." I heard a knock coming from my door. My eyes unwillingly fluttered open and I slammed my hand down on my alarm that was also going off.

What I wanted to do was throw it against the wall but I guess that would be a little extreme.

Memories came flooding into my mind and my heart immediately shattered all over again. I felt broken. I'm not sure if that's even a strong enough word. I was destroyed.

My Dad was on his way to Florida, I was never going to see him again. He abandoned us. I had to stay away from the four boys I most cared about. And I had to go to the hellhole that they call school.

"Laure, can I come in." Liam asked from the door. I knew it was him, how could I not?

"I can wake up by myself Liam." I spat, climbing out of bed and into my bathroom to shower and do my hair and makeup.

30 minutes I stepped out of the bathroom and grabbed an outfit from my closet. I grabbed my big puffy white sweater, a scarf and black jeans along with my black TOMS.

I can't believe I actually looked presentable. That's a little crazy considering everything that's happened. I opened my bedroom door to find Liam sitting on the floor next to my bedroom.

"Lauren." He said, standing up.

"Liam." I said, pushing past him as he got up.

"Lauren." He said, more stern this time.

"Liam." I said, matching his tone as he fell into step beside me.

"Stop being so stubborn about this." He said, grabbing my arm to make me stop.

"I'm fine." I said, slaring at him.

"Why are you like this? You're not the only one who lost dad." He said.

"Yeah but I'm the only one who was..." I trailed off, he didn't deserve to know that I knew everything.

"Who was what Lauren?" He demanded.

"Nothing." I said, walking down the stairs. Liam was about to question me further but our conversation was cut short by our extremely happy looking aunt and step uncle.

"Hi guys!" My aunt Theresa practically screamed. She hugged me first, then Liam.

"Hi." I said, not meaning for it to sound so bitter. Both of their expressions faded into sorry ones.

"We're so sorry about your Dad, but we're here for you now." Mark said. He and my aunt had been dating for only 2 months and no one knew him that well. He was a tall muscular man with a lot of tattoos.

"Thanks." I said, grabbing my backpack off the floor.

"Liam is going to drive us to school." I said.

"What about breakfast?" Theresa asked.

"We always eat at school." I lied, giving her a smile.

"Oh. Bye then. See you when you get home." She said.

"Bye." Liam said, grabbing his bag and keys and heading outside.

When we were outside, there was a silence and it was back when we got in the car.

"Lauren talk to me." Liam whispered.

"About what?" I said.

"Damnit Lauren you know what!" He screamed, banging his hands on the steering wheel. I tensed up and closed my eyes at how loud he was.

"I don't want to talk about it." I lied.

"Well I do." He said.

"Well not me." I said.

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