Chapter 8: No Surprise There...

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Picture of Amelia to the side =======================>

My mom...

She is dead. I guess I have to admit that to myself sometimes. It's hard, though. She doesn't really feel like she's gone. I guess a person's not really dead until they're forgotten. So in a sense, she's not dead. She still feels like she's here, but the harsh, cold reality is...she isn't. Everyone deserves the right to have their mom tuck them in when they go to bed, braid their hair and go shopping with them. I guess that not everyone has it. That includes me. I would give anything to have her next to me for just one more minute, to hear her voice just one more time, to hold her hand for another second. These are the things that people take for granted. The smallest details that go unnoticed, are the ones you miss the most. The scent of her perfume as you walk by her bedroom, the shuffling of feet downstairs in the morning, and her terrible voice when country music is playing in the car. So, I am conflicted, on how I should feel. When someone's gone, you're supposed to cry for days, years even. That is what I desperately want to do every single day. But I know that's not what she would want me to do. She would want me to celebrate that I had even the smallest amount of time with her. But how can I think about how amazing she was and not cry, knowing that I don't have that anymore. I hate feeling conflicted, but I hate the fact that she's gone even more.

And that was my English assignment. I cried the whole time I was writing it, the tears just wouldn't stop. My mom had died 3 years ago when I was 12 and I missed her so much. We had time to prepare ourselves before she died, because she had Leukemia and death was inevitable. So, yeah. Everyone knows that she's dead, it's not a secret. When I was done, I forced myself to watch: How Animals Eat Their Food on YouTube, just to get myself to smile. But, I had another reason to frown, I had school tomorrow and as much as I wanted to rewind and start the weekend over again, that wasn't going to happen. 

I gathered all my school stuff and neatly put it into my school bag. I walked into the bathroom and took a long shower, then changed and went right to sleep. I was surprised that my eyes closed so fast, and I fell into a state of unconsciousness, otherwise known as sleep. 

When I woke up the next morning I flipped shit, I was late. I quickly threw my long blonde hair in to a bun and did my makeup in the bathroom. Then I ran into my closet and pulled out a mid-thigh length turquoise silk dress. I quickly glanced at myself in the mirror, not too shabby.

I grabbed my school bag and threw it over my shoulder and ran out the door, sliding into the back seat of my dad's car as he sped off towards  the school.

When we arrived at school I hopped out of the car, giving a quick goodbye to my dad while I didn't wait for Liam to climb out. We don't hang together at school, except at lunch when I sat with him and the hockey team. I don't have many girl friends, just one. And her name was Juliette Pepter, the perkiest most hipster girl in the whole school, maybe even the whole country. 

She wore things like fake glasses, even though she had perfect vision. And let me tell you what, she had every  guy head over heels for her. I had no idea how she did it. While I scanned the area for her, my phone beeped.

Hey, not coming to school today. You're on your own girl. I'm too sick to function.

xx Juliette

Great, I have no walking buddy, which meant I would have to be extra careful of the Rape Crew. Or that's what I called them. They scared the poop out of me. 

"Hey sexy." I heard someone call, and my body immediately froze. They had spotted me, I was on their radar and they wouldn't stop until they raped me. I was so scared, they should just move on to someone else.

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