chapter 4

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Hi guys i want to thank all of you for 100 above reads i love you all

Here goes my next chapter i want to thanks april danfield for the edditing and zyaria for the benner of alex  thankyou both of you

Alex pic on top


-------------------chapter 4 ------------------------

Alex pov :-

At the meeting with the damsel in distress, I mean the owner of Asian Corporation, Mathew Hale, my patience is running out . I couldn't quite believe the guts of this man, he was still bargaining with the price of the bankrupt company he call himself the owner off.

He should be happy that I am even bothering to give him the price I was paying. Its better then ever and right now if i take over his busness then someone else.I am on risk of loss here, I was literally taking the burden off his shoulder! But the greedy mister wanted to get more money out of me.

Do he even know who he was dealing with!!

‘Mr Mathew I think the price is good enough for your company you should know that I am the only one who is risking my 12 million dollars on this.' I stated firmly,

this has gone far too long, and honestly, I am not even in the mood to bother with this greedy dog anymore i need to pull my last card here now. So i closed my pen tucking it in my coat pocket.and pushed away the contract making it look like im not interested anymore.

'If that’s not enough for you, then let's leave this, it was nice talking to you my secretary will show you outside.’

With that, I stood up from the head seat of the conference room and made my way to the glass doors. Counting the seconds.




‘No no no Mr William I was not saying that the price is not good its just that I would have been grateful to you if you pay a little more it would help my debt clearing.’ He stuttered as he rubbed his hands together. My eyes narrowed. As i came to a hault.

‘Mr Mathew I would like to remind you I am not here to clear your pending debt with your banks. If you want to get the deal done let it be known to my secretary I will sign the paper for the merger,’ I said turning around

‘Now, I think that will be all for today. Have a nice day gentleman.’

I walked out of my conference room making my way to my private elevator and out of my office building there my chuffer Carlos is waiting for me in front of my car.

‘Carlos you can go home, I want to drive myself today.' I said, dismissing him.

He gave me a slight nod and asked, ‘Long day master William?’

‘No Carlos just want to drive around,' I replied with a weary sigh, 'Too much on my head today, and I also have go to meet my parents for dinner tonight.’

‘Alright master William, I wish you a good luck then. ’ He laughed all too aware of my mother's tendency towards matchmaking and the exasperation I experience due to it.

With one final chuckle, he handed me the keys and walked off giving me a thumbs up.

I rolled my eyes, he knows me too well to know I don’t want to go to this dinner, that old man. He has been with me since I was a boy of 15 years when my dad hired him for me. I was not very happy that day .

I got into my car making my way for a long night with my mom and dad for dinner I want to change but I will do that there I still have so many clothes left in my parents’ house in my room just for the occasion like these.

Driving from the London's busy roads I stopped at one red light, looking out, I saw some girls making their way to the club at the end of the street, my eyes set on one brunette,

" she didn't look like someone I would call beautiful, but somehow she caught my interest." She was talking to her blond friend laughing on something that I don’t know her laugh changing her whole face make it shine a little more and somehow her carefree laugh put a smile on my face too.

I stopped myself train of thought, loud honking brought me out of my dreamy haze, I hadn't realized that the light had turned green, amongst the dirty looks, I accelerated ahead, turning up some music shaking all my previous thoughts out.

I just want this night and this dinner to be over already.


So guys how was it ?????

Please vote and comments i will on next monday

Thanks for reading

Have a great week ahed .


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