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Hey guys, as you all know I'm participating in your story India so please vote and comments if you think my book is good enough.
I highly appreciate your support and for that I'm really grateful to you all.

Enjoy next chapter

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Chapter 15:-

With the morning light I knew my new life was knocking on my door with so much force it might break me down. It's scaring me to the core and it's making it hard to keep my head up and leveled with society. Things that should not happen are like playing in my brain, pros and cons, for my previous decision lining up on my blank brain board but the cons are more than the pros. I have to go past this negative thought as soon as possible cause there is no turning back now I'm doing this for Shaw and only for her.

With my last breath of negativity out I made my way to my shower getting ready for this day to get down and get over with. I'm going in to meet his family today and then I will go for my dress selection and makeover so I can look like a lady from the good background. I haven't received a proper meal in days and now its showing its effect on me. I was still observing my compaction when my phone chime

"I'm here, open the door, " articulated the message from the guy who should not be name making me flinch (dam the attitude of this guy even his text scream arrogant brat).

I looked out of my window raindrop hitting it making a peaceful tune so I left him stand out there few more minutes. I'm in no humor for his arrogance right now.

I made my way to my bathroom doing a little makeup. I am left with from tomorrow onwards I will be the canvass for all those designer and makeup artist, he can provide and doing my makeup will not be my privilege anymore.

I was just applying my liner when I felt that someone is staring me, but when a hand came out of nowhere and touched my shoulder, I panicked as all bad things came flooding my brain and I grabbed my liner turning around to hit it on whosoever was behind me, but when I turned around air left my lungs within a second a very very angry looking Alex was there and he slammed me back on my mirror with so much force I think I hear a crack.

His breath harsh and raspy he was so close to me that even the air was not passing between us and hell his hair was messy and sticking to his head, his eyes cold and every muscle in his body flexing with his hold tight and tight making my blood circulation stop.

"Why the hell you were not answering the door," he whispered in my ear, he lips touching my ear lobe making me shiver. I don't know whether it was with excitement or fright, but my heart beat was so fast that I feel it's going to tear out from my flesh and jump out any moment.

"Answer me," he shouted, making me jump, but he slammed me once more with force then last time.

"I....ah.....I am....I didn't know you were here." He exhaled his minty breath hitting my face, making me lick my lip which didn't go unnoticed by his hawk eyes, but the reaction was nowhere any guy would lust, but he stood there like a stone observing me "Don't lie to me bit*h, your face is like a coloring book and its not hard for me to read so next time prepare well before you pull your shi*y stunt on me.

I'll just let it slide because we are already late but next time you will be punished and it won't be nice". With that, he stepped back, making me fall on my bathroom floor I thought he was gone but was I wrong. He pulled a hand full of my hair in his hand, leaning down and coming face to face with me his cold eyes piercing me when he dropped one Bobby pin in my lap making me gasp.

"You son of a bitch, you picked my lock," I shouted. I was mad was a huge understatement right now cause he made my blood boil and I forget that he still is holding my hair in his hand. When he reminds me that by pulling it again with much force that my scalp is hurting.

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