chapter 11

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Bigggggg announcement

Ok guys so in my upcoming chapter im about to make a new character appearance and there will be a guess the character competition and and and

The lucky winner will get a chance to be a real tume character in my book more specifically will be a girl so...

Let get it on guys

...................chapter 11......................

Did that really happened?

Am I sentenced to marry some random female in a month? No that can never be possible, my dad can't do this to me. I am the CEO of this company and he threatened me to take MY position. Did that really just happen? Am I really sentenced to marry in a month?

My train of thought was broken when Roman came in with an amused expression on his face which turned to a frown in a mere second when he saw my expression.

I threw my phone at the wall, ending its life as it shattered like a puzzle. I was furious and I wanted to take this burden off my shoulders. Maybe a drink would calm me hell down.

"Whoa man, what crawled up your butt and died," Roman said, raising his hands in surrender "I heard your dad was here, is he the reason your panties are in a twist?" I gave him my (don't fuck with me right now look) to shut him up but he made himself comfy on my leather couch.

"Tell me, Alex, you know you can share anything with me and I'm the only one who will listen anyways," I pushed the newspaper his way. He picked it up and his face changed, looking more serious that I have ever seen him before.

"Wow man this is a serious shit. How the hell did they find out about your past affairs," he questioned while keeping his eyes on the paper. "That's not all. I am sentenced to get married in a month or I'll be removed from my CEO position," I explained while adding the conversation with my dad in it. He looked upwards from the newspaper first looking shocked but then suddenly he starts laughing.

"Wow, here my world is getting upside down and the person who I call my best friend is laughing at me like I'm a comedian," I muttered under my breath.

After a few minutes he calmed down looking like he just saw the funniest movie. "You are in serious shit man. Only if I say your parents are right, you need to settle down because your past won't leave you until you start a new book with a clean slate. Take my advice man, go along with it and your dad said you need to keep the marriage just for a year, it's not necessary where you need to stay with the women forever. You can just do it for a year and after that you can divorce her."

I look up to him. "You're a genius ROM that's an excellent idea," I said as I clapped my hands in appreciation. "We can establish a contract and I can pay her to be my perfect wife and then after the year I can make up some reason and get rid of her! You are awesome man, do you know that I told him giving him a hug." "I know I'm a genius dude please, you can join my classes to learn how to become genius like Roman, I won't charge you," he retorted, getting back to his acting.

"But we still have one problem pending," he said while looking at me. I gave him my questioning look. "Dude, you still need a girl!" Am I the one to state the obvious?

You seriously need to get a drink, I don't think your mind is working right now. He gave me a little punch on my shoulder jerking me out of my thoughts.

"How can I forget a girl? Sure I remember that man, I was just thinking about that. Thank you so much Mr. obvious. I will find some girl by the weekend and in this world money can buy anything so a girl is no big matter for me," I gave him a wink, making my way out, forcing him along with me. "Let's go, I need a drink and some rest its already been a long day I want to just get rid of it at once ".

When we reach some club which Roman found recently, I saw that girl from whom I got who insulted today working there she was working as a bartender cleaning some desks. We made our way toward the bar getting her entire attention.

"Hi Shawty, can I have a thunder storm and my friend over here would like some bear," Roman stated our order as her grabbed her attention, pulling her eyes off me. She nodded her head and went to take our drinks, leaving me and Roman alone.

"Do you know her?" Roman asked with a puzzled look on his face. I told him about my encounter with her this forenoon. He seemed like he was about to fall off from his seat from laughing so hard but controlled himself. "Dude, you got your palter full today now. I understand why you want to go home so early," he was interrupted when the girl came back and placed our drink in front of us. I was already exhausted but I wanted my revenge from this girl from humiliating me so I made a plan of making her life hell as a customer.

"Hi, my drink is not chilled, I require more ice in my beer,"I said while I pushed my drink toward her. She looked up "But you did not ask me to put ice in it," she stated.

"Now I imagined you would be smart enough to think I want ice in my drink, you're a dumb bartender. I want to talk to your manager and how come you talk back to me like that, I need your manger right now or you will face the consequences," I gave her an angry look. She retreated back and disappearing behind a door. After a few minutes, one old man came out looking like he is about to get a heart attack

"How may I serve you sir," he asked. "My employee over there told me you wish to see me," he added afterwards. "Yes, I want to complain about your employee who's not able to provide good customer services but also they talk back to them," I informed him while I made up a story and told him who I was. He looked scared and agreed to execute what I told him and went back to making another cute bartender to receive our order. As I remembered, my plan went well and now in few minutes that girl will lose her job.

Next time she will think twice before taking back to anyone.

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