chapter 6

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Hi guys so here goes my next chapter edited by zyaria and the pic of shawna is up on the top


------------------------Chapter 6-------------------

Regan pov:-

After getting ready for our night Shaw and I waited for the taxi to pick us up and take us to the downtown club.

We were sitting in our dorm. Shaw was doing her little last minute touch up and I .... Well i am extremely bored so im just blowing air out of my mouth, making weird faces while im looking at shaw load her eyes with mascara and am just playing a little music so i wont look too awkward.

Beep beep beeping……….

I heard the car horn ‘Shaw I think our ride is here ‘I said sliding off the bed in no mood to go out anymore.

I feel so tired ghhhhh

Shaw turned back to me horror on her face.

"Omggggg the cab early ray, im not even ready" shaw face turned pale in matters of milliseconds making me raise my brow at her in question!!

"Realy shaw!! I mean really!! You are practically wearing your whole makeup box on your face" it slipped out my mouth before i can catch it in air and shock striked me.


"I did not!" Shaw screeched hurt crossed her eyes and i practically imagined my self kicking my self for saying the words.

The hack girl she lost a boyfriend today and cried a whole Thames and you are whining couse you feel tierd now. Was"nt it your idea. Now pull the stick out of your non existing ass and make it up to her.

I scolded my self for a moment in my brain and noded my head like its my mom scolding me.

Shaw was looking at her feet like she is going to pop another toe anymoment almost on the verge of crying again when we heard another round of horn from outside making me snap back in reality.

"Im sorry Shaw i didn't mean it like that. What i wanted to say my best is that..... Uhhh thattt you are extremely hot and beautiful with or without this." I complimented pointing to her half used makeup kit. "You dont need this so please forgive me...... Pleaseeeeeee.." I said giving her my doey eyes making her chunkel.

Yes, i patted my back for my victory of making her smile.

"Your a dork, do you know that ray?" She punched me lightly making me laugh too.

"Now lets go or the cabby will drive away"i pulled open out door making my way out.

‘Yeah, ok let me grab my clutch and I'll meet you outside in a minute ‘she said, walking to her room to get her clutch while I made my way outside.

I waited for her to come up fast tapping my foot on the concrete side track like a five year old kid.

‘whats taking her so long’ I thought to myself. Subsequently five more minutes passed and than she appeared from the door, closing it behind her and locking it.

‘Sorry I was not able to see this beauty ‘she told me, pointing at her clutch, I shook my head and opened the door to get in the cab, she did the same after me.

When we were inside the cab, the cabbie asked us where we wanted to go. I gave him the address to the club, The Dark Night Club. Equally we were driving to our location, my mind was planning the Revenge which we are going to take from my friend boyfriend. No crach that "X BOYFRIEND" and how sorry that Richie rich boyfriend of her will be after we're done for him. A devilish smirk charmed my face as perfact idea crossed my brain.

The taxi driver parked the cab few steps away from the club, I paid him and made our way to the club, standing in the line. We were making little jokes of our college and how we were glad that it’s telling me how she is going to her family house as its been long time since she saw them last.

When it was our turn, we showed our id’s to the bouncer and he granted us a tired nod allowing us in.

Inside the club it was dark music was blowing my brain and it was crowded like hell. I was finding it difficult to make my way, but Shaw pulled me too it anyways.

At the bar Shaw ordered six tequilas for her and looked at me for my permission.

‘Oh no, Shaw you know I don’t drink’ i shook my head and lean over to the barman and asked him to give me some water instead.

He looked at me with suspicious eyes, Yeh you know its hard to see these days when people go to bar and actually dont drink!! People like me ..... i gave him my goofy grin and he eventually handed a bottle of water to me.

Shaw completed her shots in a blink of my eyes, looking up for some salt after that and made her way to the dance floor pulling me along with her.

After that, the whole night was a blur we danced, she drinked and we danced again, i saw some boys playing beer pong and Shaw gladly joined in and i think she even won one of the games.

So the time when I came to my senses it was already half past two.i lost shaw i dont know where as the last time i saw her she was about to go to washroom. I searched the whole club for Shaw and found her in the private section. She was sitting on a guy's lap sucking his face every bit as if it were a lollypop, ewwwwwwww.

‘Shaw we got to go’ I said as I stepped close to her. She ignored me continued her kissing and i feel my food ready to show an appearnce. Yuck.. (I guess I am going to throw up).

‘Shaw lets go’ I tapped her shoulder finally getting her attention. ‘Noooh Regan I want to stayyyyy, you gooo and I will be back by morning ‘.she said giving me a lopsided grin.

I ignored her pulling her with me getting out of the club “hey, what do you believe you are doing Regan” she asked, stumbling at every step she took, making it hard for me to balance her and me from falling on our faces.

‘I'm saving your sorry ass and you will follow me if you don’t want to get another heartbreak’ I said giving her a strained look. She granted me a o face and nooded.

‘I'm sorry ray and thank you for doing all this for me ray. I love you ray’ she said, passing me a bear hug.

I rang a cab and got Shaw and me back to our dorm, undetected. Tomorrow she will be in a huge hangover but the revenge we will take on her ex will fix it for sure.

I changed my cloth and fall on my bed within a few minutes I was in the deep sleep.


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