chapter 16

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Hello guys thank you for over 350 reads omggg I'm jumping with glee.

I love all of you.

So here is The Last Chapter.......
#TheHurtOfBillionaire #GuessTheCharacter




Regan pov:-

Yeah, lets go. Why not! I stood up with my fake enthusiasm and saw his smirk drop like bomb ha ha take that richly bit*h. "Let's go then, " he said, taking my hand into his kisses my knuckle making me laugh for the heck of the show, let's move before I throw all nice food on his face.
I might be incorrect if I say this house is big because it's freaking mention there were endless rooms all having their separate bathrooms and walk-in wardrobe, these people were filthy rich and here I am who is struggling to put her one time meal. We walked and walked, but there was something wrong instead of going from end to start, we are going start to end which mean we are out of every one eyes and hearing range and that mean trouble.

"You know Regan what I'm thinking right now" Alex whisper from behind me when we were standing in the last room I heard a click of the lock and all the hair on my neck rose with fright with every guts in me I turned around finding him a mere foot away from me. His five o clock shadow was back when he stepped close to me and I felt the room temperature increased to several degrees. I stopped breathing cause I want to figure out his next move, but I failed badly when he grabbed my hand and turned me around pushed me back till my back slammed on a wall hurting me like hell.

"You are no wife to me, you got it!? I'm marrying you because of circumstances and the sooner you feed it in your brain the better it will be for you understand, " he said while pushing my back against the wall with force, making me grunt when pain shot through my body. I try to break free by pushing and squirming, but it's no use. "Answer me! Don't look away when I'm talking to you! Do you get what I just said or do I need to make myself a little clearer," he said in a dangerously low voice, looking straight into my eyes.

"Yes, I know I'm no wife to you and believe me, I have no interest in being your wife," I said, finally finding my escape from his grip causing me to smirk at him. He looked at me giving me a confused look. "Why are you smirking bit*h?"

"Oh, you're about to find out," I said and kicked him where the sun don't shine, making it extra painful as he fell to his knees, clutching his family jewels for the sake of his life. I laughed at his expression of pain, making my way to the door.

I looked back for the last time '"from now onwards, don't mess with me rich brat if you won't be able to see your future child," I said, pointing my finger to his hand, which is still clutching his balls as if he were scared that they might fall off and closed a door with a bang.

Regan 1 Richey bitch 0.

Should I be scared that the devil is on my tail or should I enjoy my walk in this high class mention.hummmmmmm

Well, I think I should enjoy it. I don't know what next moment hold I know he will find me eventually and I am a hell lot of sure he will punish me too but I could care less at this moment.

I walked and walked where my legs would lead "I think this is the way for the garden I saw when we first arrive here. Hum let's see" but even after five more minute of walk when I reach nowhere I gave up and take my seat on the carpet taking off my heels even though they were just two inches high they are killing my feet. I sign.

Oh god, how am I going to get out of here if I sit like this I have to do something, but nothing was coming up to my brain it's like these walls are blocking my thoughts and all the ideas so in my anger I throw my shoe at the front wall pulling my hair out in frustration. Why people make a maze like house or why don't they put some map to guide through it.

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