chapter 8

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............. .chapter 8............... ............

Alex pov:-

The dinner at our house went slow and boring, my mom as always was talking about her women's club, forcing the girl April on me, telling me how talented she is, how I should take her out on the dinner and what not.

On the other end my dad was sitting on the top seat of the table trying his best at controlling his laughter while taking in my miserable state and throwing me a sorry look once im a while and me i was giving him a look that say 'we need to talk, Right Now' to him.

"Ok, we should take a drink son ,I also want to discuss some things with you," my dad said giving my mom a curt nod he rose up from his seat trying to pull me out of my wretchedness.

"Oh shut up and sit back down Husband, you haven even tried the pie" my mom scolded a line of silent threats visible to me and my dad only.

Without waisting any time me and my dad setteled back on our seat. It better if we stay than face her wrath latter.

The deserts were served and even if i dont feel like looking at it i shoved the whole thing down.

After the dinner me and dad was in the waiting room area having a little whiskey and our non so official talk.

"You like the girl ehh littel boy of mine" he wiggeled his brows in annoying way making me laugh.

"No dad im not interested at all in her" i was about to tell him why when mom barged in.

"Alex, go drop April off at her hotel, she is ready to leave," my mom said making me choke my drink.

"Mom, I am not a chauffer if you forget .I work as CEO in Dads Company and have my own driver . i dont drive people arount im driven around," I replied.

"I know you are no chuffer and i would never wish you to become a chauffeur. Not even in my worst dream, but she was your date, it's our responsibility to make sure she reaches her hotel room safe and sound," mom spoke giving me no chance to argue.

I muttered some colorful word under my breath wish a last sip of my drink i placed the glass back and made my path outside their house to my car finding the girl leaning on it gazing at the sky.

"You ready to go," I asked for the last time not even interested to acknowledge the moves she was making to catch my attention.

"I am more than ready to leave if you're the one to accompany me Alex," she said, opening the passenger side door and sliding in.

(I just want this night to be over with before I lose my patience, but if the kitty wants to play, then I should make the game a little worthy for me also) I thought to myself while reversing my car from my parents garage.

"So where are you staying? I should know the location so that I can drop you off" I asked in not so polite way.

"You, My love can take me where ever you want Alex. You and I both know that this night is not ending with you just dropping me off as a loyal date so why are you making it so formal," She said, putting her left hand on my thigh, rubbing it gently."i know your was Alex and im willing to comply with them so why is there hesitation in you tonight. She keep moving her hand up and down trying hard to seduce me.


"Girl, do you know what you're asking for," I smirked at her, prying her hand off my body.

"I know what I want, Alex," purring a little at my aggressive behavior when i pushed her away she lean her body in front of me and start to leave wet kisses down my throat.

(OK, let's do this then) I thought and parked my car in front of hotel Royal Blue, pulling her out of the car and making my way to the elevator.

When we were inside her apartment and April didn't waste any time at playing the nasty role. I was just turning around after closing the door when she threw herself at me, pulling my shirt buttons apart, breaking some of them in that process while I tore her clingy dress in two, making her purr .

Ummm Alex come on show me the wild you she purrr. She took a step back and back while sliding her hand from her face and down.

"Come baby come to me" her voice low with lust as she keep playing the role of seductress.

We made our way to the bedroom, the moment we entered it i lost my patience i took the steps in a moments and grab hold of her tiny waste i raised her up in my arm and threw her on her bed like dhe weight nothing.

She gasp but did not complain just laid there streaching the body like cherishe cat.

I made my way toward her like she was a lamb in front of hungry lion.

We did what she wanted i fu*ked her a couple of times making her screem my name out loud and hours and Hours of lust and passion went by like that. When it was done, I got up from the bed putting on my clothes back. Without even glancing back.

"Where are you going, Alex? I thought you wanted to stay the night so we can do so much more," April said in her husky voice making me laugh at that.

. 'Well, little kitty I'm done with you. I should say you were a good one night stand but I got to go,you know. see you never," I said while making my way out of the hotel and toward my penthouse. Leaving her to cry at her lose which was meant to happen.

Today was a productive day I thought to myself and sped my car to 180, leaving all thoughts out, tomorrow will be a new day.


So yeh he is a SOB take it guys.

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