chapter 7

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Hi ya all how's the world going .

Lol so yeh thanks to all for reading my book and i also updated yhe edited version of my previous chapters 

Enjoy this chapter :)

........................chapter 7 .....................

Regan pov :-

The following day I woke up with a sound of Shaw throwing up her gut out in our bathroom and got up for my long day. Her throwing up her gut sound was making me dizzy.

I knocked on the vatroom door "are you alright shaw? Do you want me to get you some water and maybe some pain relivers?" I was also in the newd for some pair relivers my self as i barely slep yesterday night.

I heard her grumbel out some curse and i heard some gut throwing noice again making me scrunch up my nose. I made my way to our small kitchen it was a real joy as we are only few girl who got the adjoined kitchen in our drome.

I heards shaw mumbling a list of curse when she appeared in kitchen. ‘ Ray, I swear, I’m never touching alcohol again. My head hurts like a bitch’ she said, putting her head in her hands.

I fed her some painkillers for her headache and told her to get ready, we have a plan for today.

She gave me a growling sound and asked “can’t we do this tomorrow?” her head maybe was to heavy or she was too sleepy couse she lost grip on her hand and it banged on our small kitchen tabel making me laugh at her face.

Anyways after her hitting and cusing out poor tabel i cleared my throat getting her undivided attention.

‘No Shaw we have to do this today, I am going home tomorrow and you are going to Italy to your family ‘ I said. She pouted

‘oh  holly shit, oh shot i mean- I uhhh totally forget about that. I mean ohh myy goodd, this is your fault ray. You should have reminded me earlier Ray’. I gasp

"No its not my mistake i am reminding you of it now arent i?" I narrow my eyes at her.

"Yeh it is ray she replied back".




"No its not my fault and thats final" i huffed crossing my arms over my chest sticking out my tounge like a five old and she did the same with me.

"Uhhhhh god fine you won" she accepted her defeat making me smile on my victory.

‘Now go get ready, we have to make someone cry for leaving you ‘i informed her.she rushed to her room and got back within a record time and we made our way to our destiny.

After two hours of backbreaking work and begging for people to help and setting up my plan for revenge, it was around one in the afternoon and that son of a bitch will be here in five minutes.

‘Hide everybody, the trap is ready now and we only have to wait for our victim to come and get his ass kicked” I said and we all took our position.

With a chime on the entrance door, I knew the victim had arrived.

“Let's do this” I said while indicating everybody of the newcomer.

Our victim, Leo Ricardo, came in with a young girl hanging on his arm, giving him her sluty smile.he merely took his first step, and slipped and fell flat on floor  taking his lady love along with him.

"Hahahahaha take that SOB." Shaw said from behind me

He seemed so shocked “who the hell puts water over here’ he shouted to the nearby waiter.

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