chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Regan pov:-

"I'm not even sure if that really happened I must be dreaming a very bad dream and this is going to be over soon," I whisper out loud while walking back to my apartment. I just signed my life away and everything is going to change. I am no different from all the prostitutes who sell their body on the side of the road every night because the thing I did today, seems so identical to them. I sold myself to a billionaire and agreed to be his wife for two billion dollars? Am I that worthless?
NO, what the hell am I thinking, I have to do that or he would have harmed Shawna. I can live up to that day. She is my best friend, my only sister, and the only person left on this planet I can call my family after my real family's death.

I reached my apartment opening the door in the middle of night the sky roaring above me and there was not light on the street "hell this lock is stuck again," I tried and tried but that freaking lock didn't even turn then I heard the lightning strike and rain pour down on me with its violent force making my knee crumble taking me down with them.

I set with just that shirt on in the middle of nowhere accepting my fate. I pulled my knees up to my chest resting my head on it.

I have to be strong, this is just for the year and it's not like I am giving up my whole life. I can do this, I keep telling myself that in hope to raise my confidence a bit.

Fight for yourself never let the world cave in and make you week, my father words replaying in my head making my heart clench with more pain "where are you dad. You promised me to never leave me. You promised me to be by my side when I'm at my weakest to hold me on my awful days and to cheer me up!


I screamed sobbing my tears mixing with rain droplets making me cold and freezing my heart from every emotion.

It has to be me isn't it that freaky idiot guy was meant to choose me out of billions of girls around the world. God I can never understand your game I wish I could but I can't. I was in my thoughts so deeply buried in them that I didn't even heard someone approaching me until that person snapped their finger in front of me.

"Hey are you here on earth or some aliens captured your sole Living your body out in the middle of the road in just a shirt to drown you into," said the stranger, his voice husky but at the same moment - comforting. I don't know why. When I looked up I met a guy who could easily be mistaken for an angel because I swear he do look like one.

He has blond hair lingering on his forehead and his cloth clung to him emphasizing his body texture and I can tell its really good by just a look of it, I was still staring that I missed out what he just said.

"Umm I'm sorry what did you say," I asked as politely as I can but the rain on my body was making me cold and I shivered.

"I know I'm hot but I did not know that I was that hot to catch a girl like you observing me haha." He laughed distracting me from all the thoughts of pain making me smile with him after so long.

"I was not staring or observing you." I replied. "But you look like you come from a nice family. I never saw you around before," I asked my face blushing at his complement.

"Yea, I'm not from around here I was just out to take a walk and lost my way. I'm new here just for some days." He said taking his seat next to me on the pavement, taking off his jacket, covering my shivering shoulders with it making me gasp at his sweetness.

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