chapter 13

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Hello every one without waisting much of you time im updating my chapter 13 and thouse who want to participate in #GuessTheCharacter competition read my chapter thoroughly couse you could be the real time charachter in my book if you win.

So Best of luck and here we goo.


Alex pov:

Today is the day that I'm going to execute my plan of getting my fake wife and I know it's not going to be easy to execute however it's now or never chance. It's not like I have another option or my parents left any loop hole in there threat for me to manipulate, I want to keep my post as the CEO to be the same as long as I'm alive.

My bodyguard called me telling me that the girl is in my basement office and she was now getting conscious so I reviewed my plan for the last time after a bit of contemplating it. I made my way to my basement office also signaling my advocate to be there on my call to discuss the details of the contract which I spend my last night making.

The elevator stopped and Roman entered it giving me a wink but I can see the concern on his face well enough to know that he cared.

"You ready," he asked giving me a concerned look but I know he is more bothered about that girl than me.

I saw his face last night when that girl slapped me in front of that bar. He was as shocked as I was on her reaction but who wouldn't be! Never in our whole life had some girl denied me. But she did that and more on top of that she insulated us which is something he and I never knew would happen but there's always a first time right?.

I shooed him off when the elevator music stopped indicating that we were now at the basement floor. I took my last breath and we both made our way to my private office. I informed Roman to stay outside as he was going to be my backup if I needed it as I made my way inside, dismissing my bodyguard. I turned the doorknob and foun that girl standing there with a pillow in her hand which was in an aggressive position she was not wearing much more than oversized t shirt which I found quite funny but I know my bodyguard, he would have brought her here even if she was naked.

"You" She blurted out and her pillow slowly starts to lower down which I thought was her defense shield. Her expression turning from scared, shocked to an angry one which was now getting to me so I started the conversation before she did anything.

"Please sit down Regan. How are you doing today," I asked watching her jaw drop on floor and she froze to her place like I just blurred out fire from my mouth.

"How," She asked.

"How what," I replied.

"How do you know my name rich monkey? Are you stalking me? Are you going to kill me," She exclaimed "Couse if you are planning to do so, let me tell you one thing even before you can touch me I'm going to make you have a permanent disability so think twice or maybe million times before you do anything around me."

"Listen, I'm not going to do anything to you and I know your name because I have people who can find things for me with a snap of my finger so please sit down so we can discuss some business," I told her while getting myself comfortable and crossing my legs showing her that I'm the boss over here.

She shrugged and pointed her index finger on me "You? Want to do business with me" she repeated my sentence averting her finger from me to herself saying every word in an amusing tone which was now irritating me more than anything.

"Yes, I am, so I would appreciate it if you sit down and listen what my advocate wants to say to you because I'm offering you a life changing opportunity," I informed her as I picked up my office phone and informed my advocate to come in and also told him to bring Roman along because now I feel I need him.

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