chapter 19

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**********Chapter 19**********

When Luca opened the door my mouth formed an "O" it was a marvelous place.

You know the one which you see in the movie where they have this exotic candle lined up and pleasant looking Chinese girls for you to come and take the massage? Those wooden slide doors painted in dragon forms. I thought I was in china town or something.

"Ms Regan, I shall take my leave from here. My assistant Maria will take over from here and when you are done, she will direct you back to the boutique hall.Tell her if you require anything.. It's my responsibility to provide you with the best service." Luca said fumbling with his fingers.

"Um , thanks please call me Regan I'm no madam .He nods, then vanishes.

A decent looking lady approached me with the tray of different oil bottles.So what else would you like to take massage with a miss," she asked while pushing the tray in front of my face. "Yeah, I chose the purple and golden looking one," I responded politely.( its not like they can give me with poop oil lol ?????)

After that, the long journey off I started them waxed me every place that had hair on it and I mean every place. Even those I think that could not be waxed!

They massaged my body and gave my face some unknown treatment. Chopped my hair, rendered me a manicure, pedicure - everything Later those two agonizing hours every bone in my body was feeling like a girl and was red like tomato. Then when I came back in the boutique room you can just guess the looks I got from my soon to be brother and mother in law.

It was like they saw Aphrodite in front of them. Xavier gave me that look on which it screams what the hell have they done and my mother in law was looking like she is going to faint any minute.

"Bravo," Luca's voice came from my back "Maria you did a good job,"his chest puffed from proud.

"Thank you Luca it was my pleasure." Luca turned to me examining me like a statue of liberty and then turned to my soon to be mother in law. "So what do you think Mrs William? Her expression was still agape, but she recovered fast.

"Beautiful I say. I don't know how I didn't find you before, but,my son made a good pick by choosing you as his wife."

That's quite a statement..... Was that a compliment or an insult?, it's hard to calculate it out, but it, but hat as a compliment and nodded in agreement anyway If she recognizes where I came from she would not be that happy.Xavier was still silent, which was a problem than when I saw his eyes there were so many doubts in them with a promise to find an answer.He cleared his voice and turned away.

"Let's get you in the dress I choose," Mrs William said.

We wander off to a dressing room in which I was forcefully pushed into and found a dress on the table. "Dear please hurry up I'm dying to see you in the gown," Mrs. William voice came from the other end. I bared down and took that dress in my hand and it was wow but not my type with a long breath I unzipped it stepping inside the dress but zipping it back was the real problem. I was not capable to find the zipper.bummer, why good things like this happen to me "!! "Are you done Regan cause I'm a bit impatient here," came at Xavier invoice.

"Ah.."Ah.., um, the, um, a bit problem here," I answered back. "Can you please tell your mom to come help me?"

He moaned and muttered some word which I was unable to catch.

"Wait," I heard his footsteps fading and gone and realize a sigh.

I waited for two minutes and was becoming impatient when the curtain parted. "

Oh, thank William" I thought Xavier ran away or something," I said I was already telling uneasy in that dress .

I don't think I'mother, ohhhhh owes ," came a freezing voice that made me think that the devil himself had cursed this somewhat special day.

I shouted, but was cut off when his hand covered my face. "Shush will you.., I don't want to attract people here!"

"Tdgy dent wagtdintawanthd " I tried to signal him to remove this hand but Mr Bitchy bitch don't get it ..

"refofe joo ennnn(I did the signal again with my eye and them some understanding reflected on his face.)

What?? Oh my hand," he withdrew his hand wiping it like I have spited on it.

"What are you doing here," I whisper.

"Then you don't want me here, huh,here, huh, he looked me in the eye and ever so gently touched my cheek "I thought that I should come and see if you were still alive." His voice making a web of lie.
"Now tell me you need my help, right? His dorkish smirk was back which I soooo want to punch off.

"I do want help but not from you, jerk, so find out before I scream again. I might take help from Xavier than you," I said as I turned my back to him.

He bent me back with force. "Listen bitch do not even dare come close to my brother or else... you know, I know this someone who can be a little girl you love a, what's her name? Shawna right? His voice lingered like a poison when he said her name. (Son of a gun he is starting to use Shaw as a shield against me don't he).He had me pinned up against the wall.ll. "You know it's my money you are using to become pretty so what dont show me your cat claws. I am way much more experienced in handling feisty kittens like you."

I hate him this SOB can die. Bitch die fall in lava pit and fire your ass before I burn it myself! I pushed, but he was heavy, so he pressed against me harder. Oh, bloody h"Now tell me, oh wife of mine, do you need help with this attire?s dress? I must say you look less of a whore in this now, but I know, that shirt you wore on that day, but a day, but let's get this over with, my mom and brother are waiting outside grabbed the my waist and started to slowly zip me up his finger gliding on my skin at the end. He gave a little kiss, leaving his lips lingering there for more than a Minute. He stepped back leaving me breathless.

"Come out they are waiting for you, we have to go, I cannot leave you with my brother anymore." With that he was gone making me contemplate to whether to kill him with poison or shoot him with bazookaa .

I don't know why my body is reacting to his touch like a slut? Darn him and his body.

He is a rich bitch Regan nothing more. Rich bitch a arrogant man whore rich bitch.


Hi ladies and gentlemen, I hope you like this chapter.

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The dress for Regan is up on the board or if your on web that will be on the side.

:) thanks for reading

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