chapter 17

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Hellllllloooooo guys how are you all???

Hope you all had a great Christmas.

First I should totally apologize for being so ingnorant on my book im sorry I haven't updated in more then a month so SORRY .

and the second thing is that guys I though I was going to introduce Asiling character now but now I won't I made some changes in the upcoming chapters as I got a lot of reviews telling me I was going too fast so I must thank those people for knocking some sense into me and then I will try to update soon.

Now without waisting much of your precious time I here by introduce you to my next chappy.

Vote and comments don't forget :):)

...............chapter 17..............

Reagan pov:-

"I was gawking at the scene in front of me, Xavier he is Alex's brother."!!!! Tell the world going to end and I might believe you right now I mean really??

Now what's next? ?Is the Earth going to open up and swallow my pathetic self or am I going to disappear from here cause standing here like a dear caught in the light is not what I desire to do. Uhh, uhh never.

Alex was giving the facial expression that screams "how the hell do you know my brother"

Which was so totally weird. Cause, well its not every day thing, you experience.!!

I'm seeing an angel and the demon in the same room. But I reckon the world is too small to not put that away for long. Yet I did not expect Xavier taking a step closer to me and giving me a bear hug, which made his mom gasp and Alex more angry cause if this were in a cartoon movie, you would have seen his burning red face with the fire coming out of his nose with every breath and his mom's eyes were like they got some spring attach to them and they were popping back and forth that would have been more than hilarious.

Anyways, when Xavier steps close and he kiss my right cheek slightly it was like you pocked the devil with a fork because that was not for too long when two arms crept around my waist and I was, rather harshly, ripped from Xavier by non-other than the very pissed looking Alex.

"You know my fiancé little brother,"?

Alex whispered in a clipped tone as his arms were getting a little too tight on my waist as if he was trying to squeeze my lungs out of me.

Yet, I ignored him cause the guy in front of me was giving the warmest smile which puzzled me more than it should have and Alex with his anaconda grip was making my lungs grow more dry.

"Hell to do with the whole family, I'm done with them. It's not like Xavier would care for me if it's even in my head that he might. It's too dangerous for me to think that way with the presence of Lucifer itself in my life and I don't think escaping safely would be an easy job for me.

With the energy I came up with, I turned my mind and my body in Alex's grip. I turned coming face to face with Alex, whose eyes could freeze the whole Niagara falls. His stare down with his brother and much to my dismay when I looked back Xavier face was not any more different than Alex's.

It was like he knew that there was something more than it looks like and with every calculating gaze it was realizing more and more hard for me to keep my loving face up for the task of being an ideal girlfriend.

Alex's cold breath with the little warmth was sending shivers down my back.

Bad Regan really bad.!!!

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