chapter 20

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Hi guys how are you all .so yeh here is the next chapter I know I'm late so I first appologize


So this is a important chapter cause I'm introducing the guess the character winner aisling in this so yeyyyyyy congrats again to her.

Now you can read the chapter I will talk later.


Chapter 20

Ever day after that day in the boutique was like a life of a fancy haze. The announcement of our marriage to the media. Invitation distribution. Everything was like I was in a Disney movie and the prince charming is going to come and fetch me from this misery but I know it's not true. This was not a romantic movie or novel, it was my real life story where I have signed my life on a piece of paper to a devilish king.

Today is the very day when I'm getting married to the devil itself. I was all dressed up to be the perfect bride. The gown was so beautiful that its just hard to define its beauty as it hugged me in all right places. My hair and make-up were done by some high class stylist but it was not some high class marriage like it should have been. In my marriage there are only a handful of people. Alex's parents, his best man, my bridesmaid and one or two more people who I don't know. I feel so alone right now that its pinching me like a hole in my heart.

I wish Shawna was here on this day, but if she was here I know Alex would use here as my weakness one or another way. The devil was waiting outside for me so I might not irritate him much. Alex's mom came in the room and the moment she entered her face only screamed joy and happiness. I wish I can feel that too, but this bad feeling is totally opposite of what she is feeling.

"Mrs William you should not be crying its me who should be in tears I mumble," the last part to myself when she comes around and hug me.

"Oh My GOD you look so beautiful I don't know what my son did to deserve an angel like you Regan, he is a lucky bastard. She shorter at last part.

( If only the son of a bitch didn't blackmail me then I wouldn't be here right now) I mumbled to my self

. "I cannot explain how happy I am that he is at least getting married, I waited for this day for I don't know how long, but now it's here and I'm crying oh, I'm sorry for crying, but these are the happy tears daughter, I can't just hold them in anymore." I gave her a quick smile before sitting her down with me on the couch in the room providing her some tissue, giving her some time to collect herself. "Thanks honey, you're so sweet, but I have not come in to cry on this day, I came here to take a look at my beautiful daughter in law and give her this gift."

She pulled out a beautiful gold and diamond necklace and looked at me with so much hope and admiration that for a few seconds, I forgot that I needed to breathe too. When my lungs were burning for oxygen, I realize that I was holding my breath. "Oh, Mrs William I can't take it, I got your love and respect that's all I want," she started nodding her head in no.

"Now that is complete rubbish and I'm not going to take a no or any excuse for an answer. You are a part of this family and this necklace is passed down in our family for a long time. I got this from my mother in law and I'm giving this to you so let me help you with it so turn around." She had this smile on her face, which made me not to resist too much so I turned around and lift my hair up she put that necklace on and gasp.

Oh lord, this necklace looks so good on you then it ever looked at me, I'm so happy it's in the good hand now. With that, she stood up and extended her hand for me to take.

"Let's go Regan, my son is not of a patient person," She opened the door for me and helps me out. I feel so loved like I got my mother back, which made some tears fall on my cheek, but I wiped them away before she noticed.

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