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MEI exited the room with a nice smile on her face, which did not go unnoticed by Elysia who was currently spying on her right now. 

To Elysia, lately as if though MEI has been being... more womanly? Although it wasn't obvious to us. Elysia knew that whenever MEI exited that room, she had a satisfied smile on her face.

Something was happening on that room, or rather, something there made MEI extremely happy. Something... Elysia's curiosity went on for a few days until she finally had a chance to enter the room.

"Haven't you noticed Dr. MEI being all so rainbow and sunshine when she leaves the room?" Elysia asked Eden, but Eden just shrugged.

"Well I can understand you, but Dr. MEI wouldn't put up a do not enter without a reason right? it would be pretty disrespectful if we enter without her permission." Eden said, but Elysia only sighed. 

"I'll enter myself." Elysia said before leaving the room only leaving Eden to sigh once again. 

"I assume 2 hours from now on Elysia will be in big trouble. I'm feeling lucky today." Eden said with a smile before pulling out her cellphone and searching hot lesbian seg-


Elysia was right in front of the door labeled "DO NOT ENTER." Usually doors with signs like these are confidential researches that are dangerous without protective gear on, or basically just straight up what it's holding is a weapon of mass destruction. 

Or it just maybe a dirty secret. Elysia's curiosity got a hold of her as she immediately held the doorknob and twisted it, expecting to see some crazy research or a gigantic swor-

To her surprise, what she saw was a boy sleeping peacefully on a bed, a blanket covering him. Snow-white hair that was lustrous. The rays of the sun from the nearest window hitting his all too beautiful face.

Elysia wondered, was this little person a weapon for mass destruction, that was until certain purple streaks of lines caught her eye. Honkai radiation.

Elysia approached the sleeping petite boy and observed his honkai radiation. "So this was what Dr. MEI was keeping? Why put such an ominous label for such a peaceful person..." 

Elysia muttered, complaining about her antics. Truth be told, MEI just wanted him for herself. But that's another story.

Elysia resisted the internal urge to headpat him, before suddenly Kosetsu's eyelids started to move. "Waking up~?" She said in her usually hypnotic tone. A gentle honey-like tone came out from her voice.

Kosetsu caught sound of this and immediately turned around. "Dr. MEI?" He widened his eyes staring at the pinkie right in front of his eyes, for a moment there Kosetsu was immediately entranced. "Oh, not Dr. MEI."

"Hii~" She said with her honey-like tone which immediately got Kosetsu's body up. His body tensed while hearing her voice. This of course, did not go unnoticed by her. "Is there something wrong~?" 

"N-nothing. You just remind me of someone I knew." Kosetsu said before wiping off his sweat. "I'm Kosetsu, you are?" 

"I'm Elysia~!" Her voice full of energetic cuteness made Kosetsu naturally smile. His facial expression relaxed and this... somehow made Elysia... be...

She couldn't express it herself, she could only stare at his smiling face for a while, before realizing her own situation and blushed briefly. 

"Did Dr. MEI sent you? Never told me about it..." He muttered that last part.

"Correct~! I'm here to... uhh monitor you, on behalf of her." Elysia smiled while winking a bit, showing her unnatural charm. Although it wasn't effective on Kosetsu.

"I see. But I think you'll find it very boring though." Kosetsu said before looking away to look at the window. Still amazed by how the skyscrapers from the city look here. 

"?, I'm sure I'll not~! After all you're a nice person, I can see it in your eyes~." Elysia commented while also looking at the window.

"..." Kosetsu didn't respond, he only looked at Elysia who was also staring at the same direction as his, he snorted before starting to giggle, Elysia titled her head and turned her head to look at him.

He was laughing... The giggles turned into laughter while he stared outside the window. "That's a very interesting logic." Kosetsu knew that this world was based off on your performance, on your skills, on your luck. 

If you failed once, the chances of you getting right back on track is not higher than 5%. You lose, your a loser forever, those that win are those who are simply higher than us commoners. 

And so your social standing is based on what your status right now is? And Kosetsu? He is simply a sick crippled person right now. There's no worth in his existence.

But she only saw her attitude and never his social standing, never his worth. Only the value of what he can do. An eye that can see potentiality. 

Kosetsu gazed at Elysia's pink eyes, that also gazed to his. Kosetsu knew somebody who have these eyes, but to meet another person like that again. Who knows? Just might be his lucky day. 

In the eyes of the other person in the room, her eyes gazed towards his ocean-like clear his eyes. By far, the most beautiful person she had ever met, a beautiful dazzling snowball on the bed, laughing. 

She couldn't describe what she was staring, she could only stare at his beautiful face that entranced her whole body. She couldn't speak, she could only stare.

And then, before she knew it, she fell. Quite deep. "I'm sorry for making things suddenly so gloomy!" Kosetsu suddenly said while closing his eyes. 

Elysia snapped out of her trance, it felt like she was hypnotized for a second there. She started to giggle while gazing at his cute expression. 

Kosetsu could only scratch his head. 

The both of them gazed at each other, the blooming pink flower and the peaceful snowball. 

Next day:

Mobius stood in front of the door, there were two labels on the door, one which was official "DO NOT ENTER." and the other one was... 

"Elysia's emotional support, do not enter." 

"And what is in here?" 

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