Between The Lines

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(A side story because today we're going to have a shortage of electricity. So basically I can't write for now so I'm going to do this.) 

The case of Elysia's wrath: 

It was a normal day, but not to Elysia, because she was observing something quite.. weird, and unique. Of course, she wasn't complaining, weirdness can also be beauty but it feels like Griseo...

Became a certain person she visits everyday? As time passes by one Griseo's gaze and smile is like that of Kosetsu, it didn't irritate her but she knew in fact that Griseo visited him. 

Which made her wonder, just how many of the flamechasers has visited him behind her back. She visits him everyday in the morni-! 

No way... are they taking him away from her!? Unfortunately a certain boy with dark green hair was simply passing by. 

Kosma felt a hand on her shoulder, somebody had gripped his shoulder, and it was very hard. Kosma grimaced at the pain. "O-Ow!" 

"Say, Kosma~ Have you been visiting Kosetsu~!?" Kosma could see a smile, but he knew that wasn't the case. And he didn't even know who Kosetsu is. 

"W-who!?" Stuttering from the pain Kosma exclaimed while holding the hand that's been gripping his shoulders. 

"Oh dear~ Don't lie." Her tone immediately went a 180, Elysia's sweet smile was the most deceiving thing right now in the world. And Kosma swore he saw multiple demons behind her. 

He feared for his very short life.







Kosetsu's fear of snakes!: 

Mobius visited Kosetsu, and she rarely visits him because according to her, she was extremely busy. But right now, Mobius visited him, that's correct but something was off, really odd.

Mobius entered the room, her face was red, a blush on her face was present while she slowly approached him while Kosetsu was sitting on the bed. 


"Kosetsu~" She said in a venomous sweet tone, while she pounced in his bed. Kosetsu screeching for his dear life. 


"Kosetsu~ I want you~" 


"Be mine~"



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