Birthday Celebration

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(I know I updated late today, but I have a really good reason, the reason is because it's my birthday today! And because I feel like I wanted to, I decided to make Kosetsu's birthday the same as mine.) 

Dr. MEI'S gift!: 

MEI entered the room of Kosetsu, while Kosetsu held that same smile to her. "Hello! It's odd for you to visit me at night, what's wrong?" Kosetsu asked before MEI approached him... quite flustered.

Kosetsu tilted his head, totally clueless. MEI with a massive blush on her face, suddenly took out a box with a ribbon wrapped around it, decorated with small red dots. 

"Happy birthday!" Mei exclaimed which Kosetsu immediately looked confused before widening his eyes. 

"I totally forgot it's my birthday to day! Thank you so much!" Kosetsu accepted the box before putting it beside him. "I'll treasure it!" His ethereal gaze, made MEI smile too. 

She promised, she promised, that she would never let him become a herrscher, she promised that she will find a way to turn him human. 

That was what she must do, and she plans to take it until the grave. 


Elysia's gift: 

Elysia entered the room with a nice smile on her face. She after all planned to give him the most greatest gift, by the way it took her an entire day thinking of this not only that.

She also had a seizure while thinking about it while also having three aneurysm, while thinkin-

Elysia opened the door with a joyous exclaim of. "Happy birthday!!" Elysia entered quickly and approached the Kosetsu who wasn't prepared for that. She handed over, this time a very small box. 

"It's an earring, I thought it suited you because it's a snowflake earring!" 

"Woah! This looks expensive!? Where did you get this?" 

"Oh don't worry, I used my own money for it! After all you deserve it." 

Kosetsu felt doubt when he heard that last part. What did he do to deserve this? He wondered. He can only wonder after all, just like in the past and in the present. 


Aponia's gift: 

Aponia was no stranger to celebrating birthdays, she after all celebrated each and every child's birthday in that orphanage after all. Smiling while Aponia held a gift box on her hands.

She knows that it may not be enough, but she put a lot of thought into it. Aponia hoped that he would be happy with it. She felt her hands shaking, she was quite nervous? 

She sighed. She wouldn't feel this way after all, it was simply giving a gift, so why was she? Aponia after all didn't realize that she had the most biggest blush on her face standing in front of Kosetsu's door. 

She suddenly dispersed all of her thoughts before entering the room, she was met by a sudden cold breeze, a new air conditioner? She thought nothing of it before approaching the Kosetsu who was right now sleeping. 

She hoped that Kosetsu was awake internally, but it seems like she can't do anything about it. She smiled before placing her gift at the table, and gazed at his sleeping face. 

And Aponia couldn't resist the urge to pat his head and rub her gentle hand on his hair. All while feeling calm. 


Sakura's gift: 

Sakura was in front of Kosetsu's door, her hands were shaking and her ears too. She was totally nervous. Just breathe, okay... Breathe... Sakura said inside of herself, but... it wasn't working clearly. 

In the first place why was she even so nervous, she celebrated Rin's birthday ten times, so giving a gift shouldn't be this hard! Sakura felt her cheeks get warmer and warmer while thinking about how she would give it. 

Her gift was just after all, a heater. Because according to him, it was really cold in his room at winter so giving him a heater. Sakura wondered what he would say. 

Composing herself while trying to breathe calmly, and before she even knew it she already opened the door. "Kya!!" Sakura yelped. 

"Kya?" Kosetsu repeated with a confused face. While Sakura felt the most embarrassment she felt in her whole life up until now. 

"I-Its nothing!" 

"What's wrong Sakura you look quite red?"  Kosetsu asked while Sakura only shake her head sideways, feeling her embarrassment double. 

"I-it's nothing!!!" Sakura exclaimed this time, while Kosetsu only giggled. 

"Are you?... ... ... Nervous?" He said after a long pause while wearing a smug smirk. 

Sakura felt her heart melt, she can't deny that smirk was hot though.


Kalpas' gift: 

Kalpas kicked the door, he stared at the boy in the bed with a nasty glare filled with kindness and love.

 "Oi!" Kalpas held a gigantic gift box with one hand while he approached him and sat on the chair near the door. Kosetsu smiled before laughing.

"You were the last one I would think to visit me at this day." Kosetsu said before shifting his position to a much more comfortable one, crossing his legs while he sat. 

Kalpas dropped the gigantic box while he only grumbled. "Like hell did I want to visit you, that pink pixie told me it was your birthday!" Kalpas exclaimed, quite dishonest about how he actually knew that it was his birthday. 

"Still you visited with a gift didn't you? Hehe!" Kosetsu giggled while Kalpas continued to grumble.


(I didn't include the others, because after all, I was quite more focused on the Pardofelis chapter. Which again I might not finish today. But I will try.) 

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