06. Their First Expedition

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-Thirty minutes before the time of the expedition-

"So we're finally going outside the walls, huh!" Isabel said as she mounted her horse.

Aile, who was standing next to her horse nodded. "Yeah. This will be your first time, but I think you guys will do just fine."

"Why are you so sure?" Farlan raised a brow. He had mounted his horse along with Levi before. "Oh, I forgot you've been spying on us then."

"But I thought you've forgiven me!" Aile pouted while climbing up her horse. "...I really mean it. With you three, handling a single titan will be piece of cake."

"A single titan, huh?" Levi stared at the horse's mane and stroke it. "Those titans... How bad are they, exactly?"

When Aile didn't respond, the three looked at her in wonder. They then saw Aile's face paled, with some beads of sweat rolled down her forehead.

"Aile? You okay?" Isabel asked worriedly. "You don't look so good!"

"Nah, I always like this when talking about something involving titans," Aile denied. She grabbed her hair to her left and tied it. "Phew, better."

"Does tying your hair help, though?" Farlan raised a brow. Aile glanced at him and nodded. "Uh-huh. It always help me control my anxiety." She said before spurring her horse away. "Let's go, we're gonna be late!"

The three exchanged looks, then followed after her.


"Open the gate!!" Commander Keith Shadis bellowed loudly.

Everyone had stoic and serious look on their eyes as they rode on their horses. That included a certain group of underground thugs and an auburn woman.

"Today we will advance one step forward again! Show me the results of your training!!"

As the gate slowly lifted up, each soldier tightened their grip and took a long breath.

When the gate was completely opened, the commander shouted again. "Show the strength of mankind! All units, advance!!"

The sound of the horse's neighs echoed in the town, escorting the scouts to their expedition outside the wall.

"Good luck, you three!" Aile said before leading her horse past the three. The three nodded. They tightened their grip, and spurred their horses onward.

Levi narrowed his eyes. His eyes grew wider when he could see sunbeams through the white clouds on the blue sky.

"Wow!" Isabel smiled widely while Farlan just dropped his jaw in awe. "...Yeah. Not bad," Levi commented, his stare was still glued to the amazing view.

"...Ahh, we're so screwed..." Farlan clutched his head worryingly.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of the titans," Levi said nonchalantly, yet so confidently.

"...Even it will be hard for you alone," Farlan narrowed down his voice. Levi raised his head. "Do you not trust me?" He inquired.

"No, that's not it..." "Hehe! Farlan's scared!" Isabel stuck out her tongue at Farlan. "What? I'm not!" Farlan retorted.

"Titan sighted!!"

The three instantly looked at the front. "A 15-meter class, heading to us from the forest! Don't let it exit the forest!"

Aile looked at her back towards the three. She was positioned along with Erwin at the front, far enough from them.

Aile narrowed her eyes and closed them. "...There's also another one coming! It sounded like 20-meter, sir!" She exclaimed.

[DISCONTINUED] Entangled in the Strings of Fate ~ Attack on Titan (Levi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now