08. Warm Feelings

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Erwin slowly nodded with stoic face. "Then let's regroup with the others," he said before mounting his horse.

"We're heading to the center of the formation. Since the rain had stopped, we'll most likely continue the expedition."

After saying that Erwin spurred his horse away. Mike glanced one last time at Levi before following behind Erwin, leaving a spare horse with Levi.

Levi just stared at the horse, then glanced at his back, to where Aile was. He found the girl was still in her position, kneeling.

"...Why are you still there?" He questioned her.

Aile didn't respond. Curious, Levi approached the woman. He was taken aback when he saw Aile was clasping her palms together while closing her eyes.

"The hell are you..." "I'm mourning," Aile cut in. She slowly stood up and opened her eyes. "It's a way to show respect to those who had passed away."

"...oh." Levi shortly commented.

Aile replied him with wistful smile, and her eyes slowly started glistening.

"I... I shouldn't have brought you guys along to the Survey Corps..." She eventually sobbed. "I'm sorry, Levi... Isabel... Farlan..."

Levi just stood there while staring at the tearful Aile. "...So you were apologizing for that at that time, huh." He commented without any change of expression. Aile sobbed louder.

"L-Levi... I-I..." Aile choked back a sob. "Y-You may h-hate me... It's m-my fault a-after all..."

Levi suddenly pulled Aile into his embrace. Aile widened her eyes in surprise. "L-Levi?"

"You damn crybaby," she heard Levi slowly whispered to her ear. "Didn't you hear what your squad leader said?"

Levi slowly let the woman go from his embrace and looked straight into her eyes. "You just simply obey his order. It's no one's fault... If you want to blame someone, that's me. I let my ego get the good of me..." He slowly looked down.

"Levi..." Aile stared at him.

Levi looked back at her. "I've made up my mind, Aile. I'm gonna fight with the legion," he put his hands on Aile's shoulder. "...and that's mean to fight with you."

Aile's face immediately warmed up. She averted her gaze from Levi. "...Y-Yeah. We're gonna fight alongside each other now... As Survey Corps comrade."

Levi blinked his eyes.

Aile lifted Levi's hands up from her shoulder and wiped her tears. "A-Anyway, let's go. We're gonna make squad leader wait," she said before walking towards her horse.

Levi stared at her back in silent. "Yeah..."

-Year 846-

"Congratulations on your promotion as Squad Leader, Hanji." Aile clapped her hands together, hailing her best friend.

Hanji grinned in response, but then dropped it. "Thanks Aile, but why must you turn your promotion down...?"

"How many times do I need to tell you?" Aile put her hands on her hips. "Someone needs to look after you. And that someone is me."

"Aww, do you really love me that much, Aile? Thank you~!" Hanji suddenly embraced Aile, hugging her tightly that it made it hard for the poor girl to breathe. "H-Hanji, l-let--"

"You're choking her, idiot," Levi abruptly yanked Hanji's ponytail, removing her from Aile.

"Thanks there, Levi." Aile said after coughed a few times.

[DISCONTINUED] Entangled in the Strings of Fate ~ Attack on Titan (Levi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now