19. Girl Meets Girl

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-Year unknown, many years prior to the fall of Wall Maria-

"Hey hey, you're Aile Engel, aren't you?"

Aile stopped herself from biting a steamed potato and glanced to her right, finding a glasses wearing girl standing there. She put the potato down and replied her smile, "Yes, that's me. Do you need something?"

"Aha, yes, actually there's something!" the girl giggled to herself, making Aile blink her eyes, "I'm interested in you!"

"Psst, Aile," next to Aile's left, a female soldier with red hair tied into buns named Carolina whispered softly to her ear, "Best you ignore her, Aile. She's a total weirdo."

Aile raised one brow at her. "Why would you say something like that?"

"Yes, why?" the girl, who happened to hear them tilted her head to the side, "I was just trying to be friendly, Carolina-tan!"

Carolina abruptly stood from her bench with her food tray in hands, and spoke to Aile in rather harsh tone. "Aile, let's go."

"Oh, sure..." Aile nodded despite her confusion. She turned to the glassesed girl and was about to invite her, but she was stopped when Carolina dragged her away. "Um, see you later!"

"Yes, later then!" the girl waved happily, leaving another smile on Aile's lips.

"Why are we leaving her, Lina?" Aile looked at Carolina, a hint of protest in her voice, "She just wanted to chat!"

Carolina groaned, "Haven't you heard of that girl? She's the obnoxious eccentric girl of our trainee squad, Hanji Zoe!"

Aile looked up, thinking. "Oh, so she's that rumored girl..."

"Yeah, her." Carolina confirmed as looked around the mess hall. She spotted a hand was being held up to her from one of the tables, beckoning her and Aile to come over.

"What's up, Aile, Lina?" the owner of that hand greeted them as they arrived, "C'mon, join us!" he gestured at three other trainees who sat with him. Aile recognized them as Curtis, Julius and May.

"Thanks there, Mark! You're a life saver!" Carolina smiled widely as she took a seat beside him and Aile across them.

"So what happened?" asked Mark curiously.

"Nothing. We're just having a great time dining when that four-eyed freak popped out of nowhere!" Carolina snorted before biting a bread, "And she called me Carolina-tan! The nerve of her!"

"How lucky, getting nicknamed by the Hanji!" Curtis teased and quickly dodged Carolina's incoming fist, following by laughs from his friends, "Still, you're even more lucky you managed to escape here!"

"Yeah, but guess what? Aile over here thought of inviting her with us!" Carolina retracted her fist and glanced at Aile. As the others gave her an 'are-you-out-of-your-mind' look Aile let out a sigh, "She was friendly towards me, so it's only natural I acted the same."

"You're so kind-hearted, Aile," Julius complimented, "But that girl is definitely no one you want to deal with."

Aile shrugged, "She seems nice, though."

"Well, she got that nickname because of reasons!" May playfully pointed her spoon at Aile, then glanced to the side, "...for example, that!"

Everyone turned to the direction May glancing at. There, Hanji was sitting alone in one table. Clasping her hands together, she giggled to herself and began eating like a hungry animal.

"...see what we mean?" Curtis deadpanned with the others.

"Anyway, I agree you should stay away from her, Aile," Mark added, "Let's all just focus and work hard to be in the top ten."

"You're right!" Carolina, Curtis, Julius, and May nodded altogether. "Our target is the MP!"

Aile just stared down at her steamed potato. "...yeah, I guess."


The next morning, Aile and the other trainees were tasked to practice hand-to-hand combat. They're divided into small groups consisted of two trainees, and they're free to pick their partner.

Carolina was about to ask Aile to become her partner when Hanji had suddenly appeared next to Aile, and spoke loudly. "Will you be my partner, Aile-tan?"

Aile could only stare back in shock when Hanji knelt on one foot and took Aile's hand in hers while saying those words.

As the other trainees started laughing and giving them applause, Aile could feel her cheeks and ears heated up.

"So when will the wedding be held?" a trainee shouted, causing her blush to deepen.

Hanji however, had a different reaction. "Aww, thanks everyone! Please look forward to the invita--!"

Before she could even finish, Aile had clenched her wrist and flipped her. As Hanji fell flat on her back, Aile turned on her heels and wordlessly walked away.

Hanji quickly sat up and extended her hand towards Aile, claiming dramatically, "Aaah, please don't leave me, Aile-tan!" and causing the other trainees to burst into an even louder laughter.

Aile paid no heed and continued to walk, however Hanji abruptly grabbed her leg, stopping her. "No, please, I was just joking, Aile," Hanji begged, "I meant as sparring partner. I'm still normal, really!"

"If you are then stay away from Aile!" Carolina shouted beside Aile, crouched down and tried to push Hanji away, but the girl clung to Aile tightly. "No, I wanna be her partner today!"

"No, her partner will be me!" Carolina pushed Hanji harder, but the girl only tightened her grip, "...you... pesky... weirdo!"

"Would both of you stop it, please?" Aile groaned, her face beet red, "Zoe, I'll be your partner, but please release my leg."

"Really? Awesome!" Hanji sprung up in joy, clasping her hands together. Carolina fell forward because she was still pushing Hanji when she suddenly jumped, "You're really kind!"

"But Aile!" Carolina looked up at Aile, who in turn just grimaced. The trainees laughed merrily and stopped when the instructor showed up and dismissed them.

Now it was just Aile and Hanji, standing across each other. "Let's see what you've got, Zoe." Aile put a fighting stance.

"Please go easy on me!" Hanji chuckled nervously, "Since I don't own spare glasses so..."

"I'll try not to break them." Aile replied, and quickly struck Hanji.

By the end of the training, Aile had tossed Hanji around 22 times. "Whew, I'm beat! You're really strong, Aile!" Hanji grinned as she laid on the ground, "I was no match! Good job!"

Aile was sitting beside her, panting with sweat drenching her uniform. "I need... some rest..."

"After this we're practicing horse riding! Make it quick!" the instructor announced, and Aile could only sigh at this. She noticed a hand was outstretched to her, and realized it was Hanji's.

"Here, I'll help you up, Partner!" she grinned.

Aile stared at her and sighed, a small smile curved on her lips. "Thanks," she smiled, taking Hanji's hand, "Then, I'll see you later, Zoe."

Aile walked away from the girl towards Carolina, who was waiting for her. When the girl made a disapproval face, Aile blinked and looked at her right. Hanji was walking right beside her there, humming.

"Zoe? Why are you here?"

"Oh, didn't I tell you?" Hanji smiled brightly with eyes closed, "Today, I want to be your partner. When I said today, that means until the day ends!"

Aile was speechless for a moment. "....huh?"

"So sorry, you are stuck with me the whole day," Hanji grinned widely, "Please take care of me, Partner!"

Aile jaw dropped. "Eh?!"


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2016 ⏰

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