13. Awareness

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Moblit glanced to the auburn-haired woman, who currently was walking beside him. The woman's face still looked pale, and her steps were rather wobbly. "You sure you're okay, Aile?" asked him to her.

"I'm fine, how many times do I need to tell you, Moblit?" Aile frowned. "That small accident was nothing compared to those titans I'd faced on our past expeditions."

"You call that an accident?" Moblit widened his eyes at her. "Those Garrison soldiers threw that net before the command was given. They did it on purpose!" "Well, they just didn't see me below there," Aile countered. "See, I'm so small. That's why."

"Anyone would even notice your small body..." Moblit let out a heavy sigh, which made Aile chuckled a little. "You're such a worrier, Moblit. I bet once we're done you're gonna go drinking again," Aile teased him, "...while talking about how troublesome your colleague and superior are."

Upon hearing her Moblit's face immediately went red. "Wha- How did you know that, Aile?!" "Everyone talked about it," Aile grinned playfully, "It's okay, I'm not mad. And I'm sure Hanji too, that's why we'll keep counting on you in babysitting us!" she slapped Moblit's back lightly while the man tried his best to avoid eye contact with her.

"Oi, what are you two doing, getting all lovey-dovey in the middle of an operation?!"

Aile and Moblit turned to the source of the voice, which came from their front. A bearded man was glaring at them there. His right hand was holding a spear, while his left hand was put on his hips. The emblem of the Garrison was sewn on his chest pocket. "This is not the time, brats." he continued with displeased look.

'...If I'm not wrong, this man...' Aile arched one of her eyebrows. "We're sorry, sir," Moblit immediately apologized for them. "We will focus on the operation."

Aile nodded agreeably, "Yes, we will. And... thank you for warning me back then, sir." she said while giving the bearded man a smile.

The man's glare softened, "Alright. Don't do it again."

The two watched as the man left them and joined some other Garrison soldiers. "...Wait a minute," AIle suddenly muttered, causing Moblit to look at her. "What's wrong, Aile?"

"Why didn't you deny him...?" Aile muttered in low voice. Moblit tilted his head to the side, "Huh? Come again?" "At least say something before apologizing..." Aile murmured again still with low voice, making Moblit raised his brow in confusion.

"Ah, there you are! I've been looking for you two!"

Moblit and Aile looked to the source of the voice not so far in front of them; a pony-tailed glasses wearing woman. That woman was Hanji, their squad leader, and also the one who was in charge of the operation. She walked to them and grabbed their arms, "I've been waiting! Come, my assistants!"


"Hello there! What a nice day, don't you think?"

Aile watched as Hanji began her attempt in talking to one of the titans. Aile and Moblit were standing some meters behind Hanji. Aile was calm, while Moblit, as always was worried, even more when Hanji decreased the distance between her and that titan. "Are you hungry?" Hanji asked the titan again.

The titan suddenly tried to bite Hanji, but Hanji was quick to jump back. "Whoa, that was close!" Hanji chuckled with slightly trembled voice. "Squad Leader, it's too dangerous!" Moblit exclaimed in panic.

'...Idiot...' Aile narrowed her eyes at Hanji as a small bead of sweat rolled down to her cheek.

After taking some hours of break, they resumed their experiment. "Long ago, there was this tribe of cannibal..." Hanji began as she walked. "They weren't titans like you. They were humans. They lived in a cave..." "Oh no, she's beginning her naming ritual..." One of the Garrison soldiers whispered to his friend.

[DISCONTINUED] Entangled in the Strings of Fate ~ Attack on Titan (Levi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now