12. Capture Operation

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In the past few days, the Survey Corps had joined forces with the Garrison to wipe every titan out from the district.

But of course, they weren't planning to just kill those titans without gaining anything from them.

"It's a perfect day to hunt, huh," Aile commented. She along with her squad and Garrison soldiers were on top of the wall, getting ready to commence a capture mission under Hanji's command.

"Okay, those two will be our targets!" Hanji pointed downwards. There stood one 4-metre class titan and one 7-metre class titan clinging to the wall below them, the remaining titans inside Trost District.

"We had discussed this in our previous meeting. Someone's gonna lure those two into our set traps there. When they reached there, we will trigger the traps," Hanji announced. "Simple, isn't it?"

"Simple, she said..." "Yeah, what if they..." Some Garrison soldiers murmured to each other. Hanji looked around, noticing the anxiety in their faces.

"What's wrong?" She asked, and they immediately fell silent.

"But Squad Leader... who's gonna be the bait?" One of the soldiers finally mustered up his courage to ask.

Hanji blinked. "Me, of course!" She declared without hesitation.

Gasps could be heard as the soldiers exchanged looks again. "Squad Leader, you're in charge of this capture mission. You can't be the bait!" Moblit immediately walked up to her in worry.

"Easy, Moblit. I can do both in the same time," Hanji replied nonchalantly.

"But Squad Leader!"

"He's right, Hanji," Aile suddenly patted Hanji on the shoulder. "We can't risk you. Let me do it."

"Aile!" Moblit stuttered, while Hanji just stared at her. "...Understood. You do your part, Aile." She eventually said.

Moblit stared at Hanji in disbelief but didn't say anything. Aile nodded firmly, gave her salute and jumped from the wall top, gliding and finally landed on a roof not so far behind the targets.

"Listen, Aile! Wait there until we fire the signal flare!" Hanji shouted to Aile. When Aile gave her a thumbs up Hanji shouted to the others. "Now everyone, quick! To our position!"

A few minutes later, a yellow smoke signal was fired from the east of the district.

"Here goes nothing," Aile muttered plainly as she raised her signal flare. Ignoring the color, she shot her signal to the 4-metre class titan's back and managed to catch its attention.

"Come here!" Aile narrowed her eyes as she shot again, this time to the 7-metre class.

The titan turned around and aggressively roared. It suddenly ran towards Aile, fortunately Aile was calm enough to dodge it by swinging to another building.

"Hey, that signal?" Oluo wondered out loud as he stared at the dissolved smoke signal. He along with Levi's squad were on top the wall, resting after killing titans all day.

"Yeah, that's probably the signal of the capture operation," beside him Eld commented with crossed arms. "I heard Squad Hanji is going to capture some."

"Isn't that Aile?" Petra suddenly pointed downwards, worries hinted in her voice. The others looked at the direction she was pointing at and there they saw Aile landed on a roof, with two titans coming at her.

Aile shouted something while she raised both of her arms to those titans. She quickly jumped to another roof before the 7-metre class titan swung its arm to the roof she was standing at before.

"That was dangerous," Gunther commented with a small bead of sweat rolling down to his cheek, while Petra tensed up. "Captain, will she be okay?" She asked Levi, who was sitting in front of them, on the edge of the wall with his right arm supported by his bent knee.

"She probably volunteered, just believe in her," Levi replied plainly while kept observing the auburn girl. His face was stoic as always when he said that, but actually he was feeling a little troubled.

"Okay, the traps should be up ahead," Aile thought as she landed on another roof and took her signal. This time she paid attention to the color and set a yellow round. When she raised her head she found a titan's palm was coming at her and widened her eyes in shock.

"Aile!" Petra couldn't suppress a shriek seeing that unlike her other comrades, although their shoulder tensed up as they hold their breath.

Aile instinctively ducked and rolled to her right, barely avoiding the giant palm. Before she knew it her body slid down and she was tossed from the roof. Gritting her teeth, she quickly reached for her triggers and shot the wires to the left.

"Tch, that idiot..." Levi clicked his tongue, while behind him his squad let out relieved sighs. They watched as Aile raised a hand and flared a yellow signal.

Seeing the signal, Hanji immediately raised her hand. "Get ready!" She commanded, and her squad quickly took position. A few seconds later Aile came flying in, and the sound of giant steps could be heard trailing behind.


The 7-metre class titan roared in pain, it had been successfully led into the trap. Hundreds of spear-headed wires were fired into its body from its left and right, completely immobolizing it.

Aile took a detour. She glanced over her shoulder and noticed the 4-metre class was still after her. It looked like the next round wasn't ready yet to capture it.

"Goddammit Hanji!" Aile found herself cursing as she glanced around. She finally caught a sight of the glasses girl. Hanji seemed like she was expecting Aile to look at her, as she was also looking at Aile.

Aile blinked when Hanji mouthed something and pointed at the wall and Aile repeatedly. Aile took it as a sign for her to go to the wall, so she did as what she thought and latched her hooks onto the wall Hanji was pointing at. She hung herself while watching the 4-metre walked towards her.

As the other soldiers took care of the 7-metre class, the 4-metre ignored it and walked closer to the wall. It eventually clung to the wall below Aile, trying to reach for the auburn girl.

"Oi, Survey Corps girl! Move out!"

Aile raised her head, only to be immediately greeted by a wide thorned net. She widened her eyes in shock, a thorned net was thrown down now?! She understood it was for capturing the 4-metre, but she was still hanging below there! That net could badly injure and even kill her, for god's sake!

Aile gritted her teeth. She quickly put all the tension onto her right foot, and then used her gas to dash to the side. She was doing it on time, the net passed the place she was hanging at. She was still breathing heavily as the net befell the titan, successfully trapped it.

"Aile! Are you alright?!" Hanji and Moblit immediately came rushed to her after she landed on the ground. Aile fell to her knees, sweating hard and her face looked pale.

"Ugh. I feel sick..." Aile slowly said before covering her mouth with her hand. Moblit bent down and rubbed her back to soothe her.

Hanji stared at her as a small bead of sweat rolled down to her cheek. "...I will return to the team, they need someone to supervise them. Moblit will stay with you."

Aile slowly looked at Hanji, and flashed her a pale smile. "Yeah. Do your part..."

Hanji nodded with a guilty smile. "I'm sorry, Aile. I saw it, I will be sure to scold them," Hanji said as she turned away. Aile liked it when Hanji emphasized the word.

"Can you walk, Aile?" Moblit asked as he helped Aile stood. Aile nodded to him, her face had slowly returned to its color. "Yes... Let's rejoin the mission."

[DISCONTINUED] Entangled in the Strings of Fate ~ Attack on Titan (Levi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now