14. Incidents... Accidents?

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The next morning, Oluo, Eld, and Gunther were cleaning the front yard while Levi and Petra were cleaning inside.

"Fuhaah..." Oluo yawned. "Geez, cleaning the yard should be Eren's duty for today... why do I have to substitute for him?" he grumbled as he stared at some fallen leaves near his foot. "Because the Captain told you to," Gunther remarked. "Speaking of Eren, he's still inside with her, huh?"

"You're right," Eld answered as he looked at the castle. "Poor kid. Stuck with the weirdest person in the Survey Corps," Oluo smirked. "Don't talk like that," Eld looked at Oluo in disagreement.

"But that's true." Oluo replied nonchalantly, making Gunther and Eld sighed.

Suddenly, a voice of horse's hooves could be heard approaching them. The three stopped their activity and looked at the forest. From there, came a hooded solder riding a horse.

The horse stopped near the three. The rider took off her hood, and was revealed to be Aile.

"Aile-san?" Gunther called her in wonder. Aile quickly handed her horse's reins to Eld, "Take care of my horse, thanks!" she said in hurry before rushing towards the door.

"...Huh?" Eld, Oluo, and Gunther all blinked quizzically.

Aile quickly slammed the door open and ran along the hallway. On her way she came across Levi and Petra, who were fully equipped with cleaning tools. "Huh, Aile?" Petra called her, only to be ignored. Aile ran past the two, leaving the two staring at her in confusion.

"Captain!" The three went to Petra's and Levi's side. "What's with her?" Levi asked the three while taking off his mask, referring to Aile. They all shook their heads, "We also don't know, Sir." Oluo panted in response.

Aile eventually arrived at the front of the mess hall door. "Hanji! You still here?!" she shouted while slamming the door open. Inside, (sleepy) Eren and Hanji immediately looked at her. "I've got bad news!" Aile shouted again before Hanji could say anything. Behind Aile the Special Operation Squad assembled, all curious of what news she was bringing with her.

"And that is?" Hanji asked her as she stood up from her chair.

Aile gulped before she closed her eyes, catching her breath. "...But, promise me you will stay calm, okay?" Aile lowered her voice as she spoke. Hanji nodded calmly, "I promise." she said while lifting up her hand.

Aile slowly nodded. "The titans..." she began.

"...Sonny and Bean. They are... murdered."

The atmosphere soon became silent and Hanji's face was expressionless. "Hanji? You okay...?" Aile called her dubiously.

Hanji suddenly ran from her position, running towards Aile. Startled, Aile fell on her back. "Hanji! You promised me!" Aile shouted as Hanji ran through the Special Operation Squad, ignoring her. "Wait!" Aile quickly got up and ran after the woman.

Outside, Hanji quickly mounted Aile's horse and spurred it, heading straight to Trost District. "Hanji!" Aile watched as Hanji went into the forest with her horse. "...Darn it!" Aile cursed.

"Aile, get on," Levi suddenly came from behind her with his cape, riding his black horse. Aile was dumbfounded, but quickly snapped when Levi outstretched his hand to her. "Quick." He commanded with stern voice.

Aile nodded before taking his hand and hopped onto his horse. "Let's go!" Levi nodded to his squad members. They all nodded back, and then followed after the man.

Petra tightened her grip on her reins as she looked at Aile and Levi from the back.


"Noooo!!! This can't be happening!!!!" Hanji screamed in horror while clutching her head. Tears were streaming out from her eyes. "Sonny!!! Bean!!!" she screamed again, watching the evaporating remains of the two titans.

[DISCONTINUED] Entangled in the Strings of Fate ~ Attack on Titan (Levi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now