Wild world

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"Good Morning, I'm afraid Jackson is not here." I secretly mutter the word 'again' under my breath and a heavy sigh filled my ear.

"Just get him to call me, as soon as he gets in." The irate voice snaps at me again.

"Surely you'd have way more access to him than me, like don't you have a direct line to him as your manager?" I forget myself for a second as I mimic the irksome tone I'm met with. This is the fourth time this week Axel has called the office demanding to speak to Jackson, and I know Jackson is not ignoring him. He lives and breathes for these boys, it is literally all he does, responds to their every beck and call.

"Yeah, you'd think so... but apparently not!" Axels preppy speaking voice, although deep, did not match the gritty tones of despair that you would instantly recognise as his singing voice.

"Look, I'll message him now and leave a note on his desk and as soon as he arrives I'll tell him again, but like I said yesterday, and the day before, every morning this week is blocked out till 11:30 am."

"Fine." Axel snapped again.

"Thank you!" I shouted into the receiver as he hung up on me. "Fucking celebrities."  I muttered to myself.

"Assholes, aren't they!"

I almost fell out of my chair with surprise as the deep southern voice from across my room hit me.
"Mr Sullivan." I felt my cheeks flush and I internally cursed again, and again as I fumbled to my feet.
His laugh, like his presence filled every inch of the room and seeped out into the open plan working space causing a few nervous employees to side eye what was happening.
"I'm so sorry, Mr Sullivan. That wont happen again, I assure you."
He pushed his sturdy frame away from my office door, that he was casually leaning into.

"Don't sweat it sugar, I know exactly how they can be. Every one of us need to let of a little steam now and then, so long as your doing it behind their backs and not to their faces, it's all good." He winked charmingly, the kind of wink that most defiantly would have gotten him into trouble in his younger days, and for all I know probably still did now. He studied me again, like he was sussing something out, then headed over to the interconnecting door and poked his head into Jacksons office. "I got more chance of bumping into Bigfoot than this guy." With a focused expression on his face, he chewed gum in a rhythmic and deliberate manner. His jaw moving methodically, as his lips occasionally parted to release a faint popping sound. Despite the mundane act of chewing, that air of confidence and purpose emanated from him.

"Shall I get him to come and see you once he arrives Mr Sullivan?"

His silently nodded his head then paused just as quickly. "Actually, just get him to call up when he arrives." He walked towards the door and paused again as I moved around from my desk and his gaze fell upon my brightly colored summer dress, a smile formed on his face. He nodded again and playfully smirked "It's refreshing to finally see some vibrant hues amidst the somber attires of the gothic zombies than usually frequent this floor."

"I thought the place could use a splash of colour." I retorted back and instantly regretted my bold remark, but relief quickly washed over me as he let out another booming chortle.

"Yes it does," He nodded and walked out repeating himself and chuckling as he headed towards the elevators.

My cheeks instantly puffed out letting my held breath slowly release once he was safely out of sight. The gentle hum of the air conditioning filled the otherwise silent office, casting a calm atmosphere over the room. It was in this quiet sanctuary that I sat, reflecting on the whirlwind of events that had unfolded since my arrival in the bustling city of Los Angeles. The last two weeks had been a blur, filled with both excitement and longing, as my heart wrestled with conflicting emotions.

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