We don't have to dance

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As the plane touched down at JFK Airport, the excitement of my New York adventure filled my stomach with a cocktail of anticipation and anxiety. I was absolutely shattered by the time I finally sat in my seat. Me and Jackson had worked into the early hours getting the initial plans in place and finding last minute flights and a place to stay. We'd managed to get the last two seats on a direct flight from LAX to JFK, although not seated together, which I guess was a blessing as I slept for the whole 5 hour 29 minute flight peacefully. Axels screen test and video shoot were all locked in, and now I just had to wait for the interviews and invites to start coming through. Thankfully the rest of this day was clear for me to gather my bearings and get my rest. I was eager to explore the city whilst I was here, but I didn't hold out much hope with Axels schedule keeping my time busy. We made it off the plane and through the airport with ease, finding a burly looking gentleman in a crisp black suit, buzz cut and aviator ray bans waiting for us outside arrivals. He introduced himself as Chris and told us he was our security contact should we have any issues during our stay. He guided us to our blacked our Mercedes SUV and escorted us over to the hotel whilst telling us how long he'd known Jackson for and that we were in good hands.

As we stepped into the luxurious hotel lobby some 30 minutes later, I couldn't help but marvel at the grandeur surrounding us. It was nothing like I'd ever seen before, and we couldn't look any more out of place with Axel in his ripped black jeans, puffer jacket and black baseball cap, and me in my pastel hoodie and pale blue jeans as the decor around us dripped in extravagant gold and diamonds. Axel didn't appear bothered in the slightest at the disapproving glances we were getting whilst he stood in line as he mindlessly continued to bite at the skin around his middle finger nail.

"Next." The concierge's professional demeanour wavered slightly as he looked up as saw the pair of us stood in front of him. "How can I help you?" His customer service smile returned as his eyes drifted to the neck tattoos peeking over the collar of Axels Jacket.

"Hey." Axel adjusted his backpack and rested his elbow on the counter in front of the clerk. "We have two rooms booked." He squinted at the guy, noticing his distracted glance back and forth between the art covering his his neck and hand.

"Certainly sir." The guy jumped back into character. 'And your names, please?'

"Axel Black and Liv...." Axel's furrowed brow turned in my direction.

"Olivia Anderson." I quickly stated before it got any more embarrassing.

"Certainly." The guy's emotionless smile remained as he looked back and forth between us, as if contemplating if he was being pranked or not. "Ahhh." His voice wavered slightly.

"Problem?" Axel questioned, quickly picking up on the guys tone.

"Erm... slightly." The guy winced slightly and pulled at his tight collar. "So there was a slight issue with the roomings, we had a little technical glitch but it's all sorted now and you have been compensated accordingly for the mistake on our part." The guy waffled on causing Axels nostrils to flare slightly in irritation.

"So...?" Axel laboured over his question.

The flushed gentleman cleared his throat. "So, sir, as we are unable to offer you the two separate rooms you originally requested we have up graded you to one of our elegant two bedroom suites."

"Cool!" Axel nodded pleasingly, whilst my stomach sank.

'Yes, sir, they are very cool. Exquisite in fact." The colour in the guys face quickly returned to normal, and he proceeded to check us in with a full update of everything we needed know about the hotel. "Right, here are you room keys, Peter here will take your bags up to your bags up to your room." He clicked his fingers and an elderly bellhop instantly appeared next to us. "Elevators are to your right and have a very pleasant stay at the Baccarat Hotel."

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