The Passenger

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I sat up in my bed feeling refreshed after an excellent nights sleep and went through todays itinerary before responding to Eden and my Mother. Looking at my calendar Jackson had been busy filling it up with appearances for Axel. I double checked that our car was still ok for an 11am pick up to take us to the screen test and checked the address on Google Maps to see how long the journey would be from there across to our next appointment, which was a pre recorded interview for the Kelly and Ryan show at 2pm and would be aired later in the week. Then we had a few hours to kill after that before Axel needed to be back and ready to be dressed for the Versace dinner that he was attending this evening. I continued to mutter the plan over and over in my head and double checked my notepad to make sure I had all the details handwritten correctly, just in case something happened and I couldn't access my electronic copies. I swiped my screen, looking ahead to tomorrow, Axel was booked out for the whole day to shoot the music video so that was easy enough. I swiped again, the rest of our stay was various interviews, TV appearances, a premier, a fashion event, a meet and greet session and more parties than I could keep up with, having 4 on the one night.
I closed my note pad and let my arms and legs fully extend as I let out a stretching groan.
It was a little after 8:30am so I had more than enough time to get ready, eat and have a settled start to my day before I needed to wake the beast from his slumber and endure his presence for another day.

'Coffee' I murmured swinging my legs out of the bed and getting to my feet. I crept out into the living room, hesitant of what or who I might find out there, but to my surprise it was spotless, not a coaster out of place and eerily quiet. I padded over to the complementary coffee machine and popped one of the lightly roasted pods in the opening at the top. Placing a cup under the nozzle the machine whirled into action and I dashed back to my room, grabbing my iPad and phone so I could settle my nerves and look over everything again as I drank my coffee. The warm aroma from the coffee was filling the kitchen space as I returned and I inhaled deeply, enjoying the welcoming scent as I lifted the cup from the machine and headed into the large dinning area. The click of the front door grabbed my attention as I sat down at the grand dining table. "Hello." I instantly called out, a hint of panic lingered in my voice.

"Hey." Axel strolled into view rubbing at his eyes as he greeted me with an unusually warm smile.

"Oh my God, are you just getting back from last night?" My voice betrayed a mix of concern and confusion as I involuntarily jumped up from my seat.

He looked at me, eyebrows furrowed, and glanced down at his attire—a sweaty black T-shirt, shorts, and trainers. "Erm, nope, just woke up early so went to the gym," he replied, his words punctuated by a yawn.

"Oh, right," I mumbled, feeling slightly embarrassed for assuming the worst. I took my seat again, trying to regain my composure.

Axel studied me for a moment, seeming to sense my discomfort. "I asked them to send up some stuff for breakfast. I didn't know what you wanted, so I just ordered a few different things."

"Oh, okay. Thanks," I stuttered over my words, feeling my gratitude mingle with a lingering confusion that seeped into my observatory stare. He must have known we had a long day ahead, hence his thoughtful gesture. I mused, readjusting into the heavily cushioned dinning chair.

"Cool, so I'm gonna take a shower. If it arrives before I'm done, will you let them in?" Axel was already heading towards his room before I could respond so I nodded compliantly to myself and resumed reading the information for today and tomorrow, ensuring it was imprinted in my mind and nothing could go wrong... on my part anyway.

Before long a soft tap at the door announcing the arrival of room service pulled me from my duties. I rushed to answer it, finding a jolly portly guy pushing a large serving trolley filled with an assortment of plates and drinks.
"Just over there thank you." I awkwardly instructed and after learning from last nights embarrassing encounter I grabbed by purse remembering to tip him before he left.
"Foods here." I called out to Axel as I shut the door behind the guy, but it sounded like he was still singing in the shower. I paused for a second to listen. It wasn't a song I was familiar with, but the raspy tone to his voice made it impossible not to enjoy whatever it was. Hearing the water stop I dashed away from the door and quickly sneaked a peek under the various lids before settling on some cereal and toast to accompany my second cup of coffee.

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