Hold my hand

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"Hey."  I quickly dropped my gaze to the floor as I darted around Axel, who was stood between me and the front door.

"Where you going?" He stepped towards me, eyeing my attire.

"Just for a run." I curtly answered and reached out for the door handle, signalling that the conversation was already over.

"A run?" He slowly scoffed.

"Yes." I sighed, turning back to find his usual smirk firmly in place.

"Since when do you 'go for a run?" His mocking tone further sparked my irritation with him.

"Since before I moved out here to Hell A!" I snapped.

He offered me a silent nod, accompanied by a deeper smirk. I sighed again and reached back for the door handle, pulling it with a little more force than required.

"Can we talk when you get back?" He whispered, catching the door before it flung in his face.

"Sure." I quickly answered and darted out of the house, beginning a gentle jog as I moved along the driveway. The gates opened on my approach and I let out a huge sigh as I passed through them and began sprinting along the deserted road.

With Axels house being the last I had nowhere else to go but down and I already knew my legs wouldn't be thankful for the journey back up the hill so I slowed my pace and settled into a comfortable rhythm as the music blaring through my headphones delivered a motivational pop playlist to set the pace. It didn't take as long as I expected for my mind to begin to clear and my focus shifted into my form and breathing. I missed the freedom and clarity that running brought. Throughout school I was on the track team and had won several competitions both within district and nationally. It always seemed to just soothe and regulate me. If I had a worry or concern growing up I'd just run and instantly feel free and clear minded. I definitely needed that now, more than ever. I was nearly half way down when my music cut out and Edens name was repeated through the speakers.

"Hey." I panted as I taped the side of my headphone and connected the call.

"Heeeeey." She lazily drawled into my ear. "Oh, am I interrupting something?" She giggled.

"What?" I quickly looked over my shoulder, spotting a blacked out van coming towards me so I sprinted across the road to the path then carried on at a slower pace.

"Am I interrupting something?" She giggled again.

"No, I'm just running." I panted after the quick sprint. Looking back over my shoulder I couldn't see the van coming around the bend anymore but I continued on the path just in case.

"Boooo! I thought you and lover boy were up to no good." Her giggle turned into an etching cackle.

"Mmmm." I hummed in irritation.

"Well that doesn't sound like a happy response. What's happened?" Her tone drifted from playful to concerned.

"Nothing happened, well nothing will happen again." I snarled checking over my shoulder and spotting the van again but this time it pulled up and stopped.

"What do you mean again? What happened?" She pushed.

I looked back again but the van disappeared once more as I took the bend. "We had an argument....again." I sighed, taking a moment to pause and stretch out my calf as I felt it begin to tighten. "So after you left things were cool, we tidied up, ate some full fat dairy ice cream." We both let out a soft chuckle. "And then well... one thing kinda lead to another and the next thing I know I'm practically naked, sprawled out on the dinning table and he's... well he's having a second desert. If you know what I mean."

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