Whats coming to me

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The silent elevator journey was as awkward as the silent car journey back. The lift gently came to a stop and I immediately stepped out, desperate to put some distance between us.

"Liv." Axels voice echoed off the marble walls. "Liv." He called again and I could feel that this time he was right behind me.

"Axel, I have a raging headache, I know you said you're sorry, it was just a joke. I get it." I snapped.

"You see this right here Liv, this is what I mean when I say that you can be an asshole too." He stepped in front of me, forcing me to look at him. "You see, it's ok for you to point out that I'm an asshole and whatever flaws I may have, but guess what... you can be an asshole too, but the difference is if I say that or call you out then I'm an even bigger asshole for doing so.

For the first time I saw a glimpse of vulnerability in his eyes. I studied him for a moment. His teeth pulled at that dam lip ring again and I let out a soft sigh. "Ok, look. I think we can agree that we're both assholes.... In our own ways," the subtle twitch of his lip signalled that the mood was softening. "How about we call a truce." His brows knitted together as his eyes moved across my face.

"A truce." He finally muttered.

"Yeah, look this is our last day and in 24 hours we'll be back home and not have to spend time around each other. I think we can end this trip not focusing on who's the biggest asshole but on the positives about each other, then we can move on amicably. We're still gonna have to kinda work together so lets make an effort to keep it pleasurable."

"Pleasurable?" His eyebrows quickly morphed into an arch.

I inhaled deeply as my lips pursed together. "Pleasant." I quickly corrected.

"Dam. It would have been fun to work on a purely pleasurable relationship with you."

"Axel!" I snarled.

"Ok, Ok, Ok!"he held the palms of his hand out in front of his chest. "Let's be pleasant then."

"Deal." I stuck my hand out for him to shake.

"Deal." He agreed, firmly accepting my offer.

"Cool. Can we go in now so I can lay down and rest my head?" I pleaded, desperate for the relentless thumping in my temples to stop.

"Shit, yeah, come on."  He pulled his card from his back pocket and opened the door, gesturing for me to enter first.

"Do you need a drink or anything?" He asked, following me into the kitchen area.

"No, I'm gonna take a shower and go lay down for a bit. Thanks though." I managed to offer a thankful smile.

"Just being pleasant." He winked and turned towards his room, disappearing behind the door leaving me internally irritated once more as I headed for a hot shower.

I woke up a few hours later shivering from the air con and the damp towel I'd fell asleep in. I rolled off the bed and noticed a glass of orange juice and some Tylenol sitting on the bedside table. I couldn't help but smile at the gesture, even if deep down I was a little pissed that he'd been in my room again. I popped two pills to make sure the headache didn't return and chugged them back with the juice, it was still cold so he couldn't have been in here that long ago. I threw on my jeans and a black t shirt and headed into the living area. The coffee table was cluttered with bits of paper again, I could hear faintly hear Axel talking in the other room, although I couldn't work out if he was excited or angry. I slowly passed the table taking a peek a what was written. I couldn't really make much sense of it all, there were a lot of words and scribbles and doodles but it looked like a jumble of lyrics and ideas.

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