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"Hey, I'm back," I called out to my Mom as I entered the guest house. "Wow!" I gasped as my mother strolled out of her room. "Your hair." I stuttered. Her usual mousy brown hair had been chopped to her shoulders and dyed a warm natural brown. "You look amazing?" I smiled widely as I dropped my bag and stepped toward her for a closer look.

"You like it?" She blushed.

"I love it, and you've had your nails done." I took her hands in mine and studied the perfectly polished French tip nails.

"Yeah, it turns out that shopping and a bit of lunch was a full day with pamper package included." She laughed lightly.

"Lifestyles of the rich and famous huh!" I chuckled back.

"They have a make-up team coming over in an hour to do our make-up for tonight." Mom added. "So how was your day." She perched on the couch as I took the seat next to her and kicked off my shoes.

"It was fine, Sullivans looks phenomenal and the guys sounded great during tech rehearsal, I think it's going to be a good night."

"I'm looking forward to this now. It's very exciting to be invited to such a lavish occasion." My Mom leaned back casually.

"Mom, don't freak out okay?"

My mother tensed and instantly resumed her previous position. "Olivia, that is not the way to start a sentence when you don't want someone to freak out." Her soft tone became instantly authoritative.

"I know, I know, but just... just don't freak out okay, because I'm fine."

"Olivia Anderson, what's happened?"

"I got followed when I was going to Sullivans this morning."

"You got followed?" She echoed.

"Yeah, we left the office and a car followed me. I spotted it and Jackson was with me so I was ok. Shard put out an APB on the description of the vehicle, but she called when we were on the way back and said it's not been seen since we lost it on the freeway."

"Olivia, please come home." She grasped my hand into hers. "What are trying to prove by keeping yourself in this situation? It's not safe, and for what, a job that will replace you a week after you've been murdered, a friend who's ditched you at the first opportunity, and sharing a house with some antichrist who will probably get you into drugs and all kinds of questionable situations? You have nothing to prove to us, please come home Olivia where I can keep you safe."

"Mom!" I snapped, pulling my hand from her clasp. "Thanks for the reality check, and yeah any job on the planet can replace you, but I am a grown-ass adult, I have nothing to prove to anyone, Eden has not abandoned me, we're growing up, that's how life works and Axel, how dare you speak about him like that. This Antichrist as you call him has been nothing but kind and generous to your daughter. When I was in trouble he offered me a solution, and for absolutely nothing in return, can I also point out that he's shown the same generosity to you too, letting you take over his guest house because you just decided to land in LA without any warning, abandoning your husband when the going got tough."

"Olivia, that is completely out of line." She yelled, the sight of her teary eyes instantly plucking at my heartstrings.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled and ran my hand down my face. "Look I know you're just trying to help, I know you just want what's best for me and I know you want me to be safe, but I don't need your opinion or advice. I need your support and your comfort. I need you to just be there for me. I'm not coming back to Maddison, Mom. I might not stay in LA forever, but whatever I choose, and whatever mistakes and lessons come from those decisions, I just need you there, in my corner when it's bad and cheering me on when it's great."

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