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The arduous journey that was supposed to take fifteen minutes extended to a painstaking twenty-five due to a frustrating traffic buildup, and as if that wasn't enough, we had to wait an additional 20 minutes to navigate our way to the guest entrance, just so Axel could grace the red carpet for a whopping 7 minutes and 36 seconds of spotlight. My exhaustion, hunger, discomfort, and aversion to the incessant flashing lights had reached its peak even before stepping foot inside.

I trailed a step or two behind Axel as he waded through the sea of people desperate to catch his attention. A group of young women honed in on him the moment he entered the building, and they showed no signs of departing as they showered him with adoration. Among them stood a leggy blonde, revealing an exorbitant amount of cleavage, who had positioned herself at his side. They seemed well acquainted, but the extent of their relationship remained elusive. Axel had fully embraced his role as a showman, ensnaring every woman in the room with his charm, making them believe they were the sole object of his affection. Yet, I was beginning to uncover the truth: within 30 seconds of entering the room, he had already set his sights on his chosen target. The rest were mere playthings, like a leopard in the Serengeti, playfully toying with its prey before striking the fatal blow. I maintained my professional distance, occasionally distracting myself with my phone, while he whispered sweet nothings into the blonde's ear, much to her delight and everyone else's annoyance.

The evening continued in a similar fashion, with their playful antics persisting at the dinner table and along the runway. They were so engrossed in each other's company that they missed the entire performance of the latest boy band churned out by the X Factor show. At that point I decided to break protocol and escape to the restroom, the ostentatious public displays of affection made the New York cheesecake I had earlier devoured churn uncomfortably in my stomach. Upon my return, I found them mingling around the room, readily poised as an endless stream of cameras were thrust in front of their faces desperately hoping for the money shot that would headline the evenings event. I retreated to my seat and uncomfortably watched on whilst receiving accolades from the incoming designers at my table, who were clearly using me as a means to get closer to Axel. The pounding DJ beats now reverberating through the speakers sent a throbbing pain to my temples, and I could no longer bear the responsibility of babysitting Axel whilst he lapped up the multiple women fawning over him, in between passionate displays with the tipsy blonde. I rubbed at my temples, desperately yearning for the night to come to an end so I could retreat to the hotel and soothe my cramped toes on the plush carpet.

"Don't fancy a turn?" A deep voice cut through the music, startling me. I looked up to find a tall, impeccably suited gentleman towering over me. He smiled in response to my confused frown, showing a perfect set of veneered teeth as he pulled out the chair next to me.
"You don't fancy cutting in?" he asked, gesturing towards Axel. "I've observed you watching him all night."

"I'm his assistant, it's my duty. But no, I have no desire to intervene, thank you for asking," I replied, my gaze involuntarily drawn back to Axel, despite my reluctance.

"My apologies."  The guy placed his tumbler of neat whiskey on the table and leaned back into his seat with a comfortable air whilst he studied me with his penetrating green eyes. "It seemed like a rather intriguing way to initiate a conversation when I was rehearsing it in my mind at the bar." His pause compelled my attention to return to him. "May I offer you a drink?" He asked, lifting the crystal cut glass to his full lips.

Amaya's earlier warning echoed in my mind, cautioning me against the perils of accepting drinks from strangers. I mustered a polite decline, allowing my professionalism to guide my response. "No, thank you. I'm working, and I don't accept drinks from strangers."

With a gentle nod, he acknowledged my decision. "I'm Cody," he introduced himself, extending a hand for a shake.

Feeling a slight release of tension, I offered a faint smile and accepted his gesture. "Olivia," I replied, my small hand immediately becoming lost in his large, reassuring palm as we exchanged pleasantries.

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