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(DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. It's important to remember this is all totally fabricated, embellished, and exaggerated for entertainment purposes.)


Run, rabbit, run

Dig that hole, forget the sun

When, at last, the work is done

Don't sit down, it's time to dig another one

Breathe – Pink Floyd

I awoke hours later to a slurping sound and a hot tongue molesting my face. I grumbled in protest, shifting to lay on my back and finding a scraggily dog having his way with me. Oh for fuck's sake. Mangey beast! Piss off! I put up an arm, shooing him away, but he only moved to sniff my crotch, then the bottom of my sock. There was a pair of legs standing over me from behind, something I realized too late to panic. Fucking great. Another creep. Too little, too late, mate. I've got nothing more. Then suddenly I pictured them kidnapping me and selling me into sex slavery and shot straight to my feet, regardless of the agony. When I stood before my assailant, it was to discover he was an old Japanese guy with a twisted face and one empty eye-socket. No glass eye or anything of the like to fill the space. Just raw, exposed tissue; blood red. Holy shit, it looked ghoulish. Quite undead. He appeared to be a restaurant cook, from the looks of it, as he was wearing a soiled apron. He watched me dumbfoundedly while I tried not to shit myself out of terror for what I was witnessing. Before I could say anything, I blacked out again, teetering forward until he was forced to catch me.


Softly uttered Japanese drifted back and forth over my head. They seemed to be in a lighthearted debate. One of the women giggled. Another shushed her. I heard a persistent beeping, and what sounded like a blood pressure monitor kicking into action. I peered from beneath my lids, only to find I was in some sort of hospital room, and that there were two snickering nurses having a conversation across either side of my bed.

"Ohhhh! Kon'nichiwa!" one sang.


"Uh... sumimasen... Eigo?" I uttered.

"English! Ah, yes, of course! How are you?!"

"Not well..."

"You've had a fall, we've heard."

"I was...uh...robbed. Beaten—" They gasped in unison. They exchanged something in Japanese, then one left the room abruptly.

"We call the police and file a report for you."

"Thank you so much."

"Tell me...are you...Harry Styles...?"


"Ohhh, you look so much like him! You could be his impersonator!"

"I'm only kidding," I grinned with a wince. "That's me. Don't tell anyone alright?"

"Oh! So nice to meet you!" She shook my hand with a huge grin. Hers was extremely soft and tiny.

"You too, thanks."

"Who did this to you, Harry Styles??"

"Thugs. Big, big guys. They were huge," I lied. "They've got my phone, my wallet——"

In This World (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now