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(DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. It's important to remember this is all totally fabricated, embellished, and exaggerated for entertainment purposes.)


Bow down to love

Bow down to love

Bow down to love

Bow Down to Love – City and Colour

A day later, I woke early as I'd set an urgent appointment to have a tailor come by and fit me for a custom tux. I'd had my stylist send over my measurements from the UK, so he was able to get started while I was away with Gray in Tokyo. Now it was time to try on what he'd customized so far. The dress code was black-tie, so I'd decided on a dark blue tux because I couldn't resist wearing a dash of color. I'd also chosen a velvet smoking jacket with a satin lapel to spice things up a bit. Something about stepping out with Gray made me want to up my game for the ceremony, hoping to do him justice; although he wasn't nearly as fussy about fashion or appearances as I was. I wondered what he'd think when he found out I'd booked us private manicures at the house later today. He'd probably flip his lid.

When the master tailor arrived, he was polite but reticent as hell. He was older, probably in his fifties, and quite short and rigid. He wore a mask the entire time he was in the house, with wire-framed glasses glinting over it. I couldn't get a smile out of him despite my best efforts. And I could tell he was annoyed with me for requesting he do the work for a custom tux in such an impossibly short time, but it wasn't my fault. Gray hadn't told me in enough time to order something bespoke, so I had to beg him to work around the clock and customize something before we flew out. The money must've been enticing, though, because he eventually agreed. After taking my measurements a few days ago, he showed up today with the bare bones for me to try on. It wasn't half-bad.

"Nice work, mate..."

He only stared at me blankly over the tux jacket.

"I really love the detailing in the stitchwork. It's exquisite."

Still nothing. Not even a nod.

"Alrighty then..." I awkwardly cleared my throat.

His assistant, a slim boy in his early twenties who also wore glasses and a mask, was the warmer of the two. He translated the master's instructions and questions for me and saw to it that I had a pleasant experience in the end. Gray even popped into the sitting room on occasion, watching me be fitted and cracking jokes to break the ice. He toyed with a few things he shouldn't have, and was told off for it in Japanese, which the tailor didn't realize he understood. It was a riot. As always, he was just the breath of fresh air the situation needed.

"Woah...lookie here!" he exclaimed, lifting the jacket. He helped me to put it back on. "I'm so jealous of that color. It looks fantastic on you. Looking good, sweetheart——oh, uh...I mean...sick bro!" he punched me in the shoulder and it actually hurt, but I couldn't help laughing. That was his best hetero line which he employed all the time. And he wanted to kiss me on his way out for a run, but decided against it since the nature of our relationship was still frowned upon by the more conservative Japanese. I didn't want to push any buttons and have the tailor stab me in the groin with one of his little needles. So the Aussie just winked at me on his way out the door and I told him to be safe and hurry.

That afternoon when he finally returned, we had lunch on the terrace, then sat for the scheduled manicures. I'd opted for dark blue to match my wedding look, and he of course had gone with the clear. And for some reason he couldn't stop laughing throughout, insisting the woman was intentionally tickling his fingers. He had no explanation for me when I grilled him how on earth his fingers could be ticklish, so I just looked at him with mock disappointment. This of course only made him laugh harder.

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