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(DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. It's important to remember this is all totally fabricated, embellished, and exaggerated for entertainment purposes.)


Just when I stopped opening doors

Finally finding the one that I wanted was yours

Making my entrance again with my usual flair

Sure of my lines, nobody's there

Send In The Clowns - Frank Sinatra

"Mornin'!" I called up to Haz as soon as he emerged on the second floor, happy as fuck to see even a somewhat friendly face again. I hadn't slept anymore that night, worried the Aussie would barge into my room, drag me out into the yard by my one fucking good leg, and shoot me in the shallow grave he'd dug for me. I'd crossed all kinds of lines last night, and was ready to book it out of there asap, only trouble was, T was having difficulty finding me someplace to go that wasn't overbooked. Haz sprinted down the stairs in my general direction, as I was sat on the couch in the living room, just like my dream from the night before. Except, he wasn't fussed about me today. He was obviously dressed for a run, in a windbreaker jacket, shorts, and leggings. He even had a bandana tied around his head and it reminded me a ton of 2013.

"How's the leg?" he asked in passing.

"Itchin' like a bitch, to be honest."

"It figures," he chuckled. "I'll be back in a bit."

"Forh sure."

With that he was off for a run, and I was left alone in the house with my mortal enemy. That is, until he too emerged at the top of the stairs, dressed much the same way as the bloke who'd preceded him. He said absolutely nothing to me, and in fact, didn't even look my way. He headed out the door to meet up with Haz, who was currently stretching in the courtyard like a professional ballet dancer. Seeing them there together, in this unbearable domestic bliss, did something strange to me. Some rank thing crept up the back of my throat, and I had to swallow it to keep from spitting fire. Going apeshit on them and everything around me. Fuck them. Truly fuck them and everything they were, and everything they stood for, and everything they had. If my leg weren't fucked, I'd stick my foot so far up that bloke's ass he'd be tasting my toe jam for weeks. Fuck him. Fuck them. Fuck Haz too. He was a cold-hearted motherfucker. I could kill him for what he'd done to me. I could seriously homicide them both right now. And I'd off myself right after, just to sensationalize the whole thing, and that'd really send a message to the masses. Would really make headlines for years to come.

I sat there a while longer and had a cigarette inside, because I was too lazy to hobble my way outdoors to be respectful of the house. In fact, fuck this house. They'd be lucky if I didn't burn the bitch down while they were gone, and dip in a cab or something. Pfft, out jogging on an autumn morning. How corny was that?? A couple's run? Really? And they'd even dressed alike?? Corny as fuck, bro. I'd never been on a run with him in my entire life, despite all the years we'd known each other. He'd asked me time and time again, just like with he yoga, but I'd always told him no. My lungs weren't cut out for it. But he and I had had our share of hitting the gym together. It had been a fun time for sure. I was just never really up for any of the the rigorous cardio. I much preferred strength training, and a little sparring here and there. But that was a long, long time ago. We'd stopped hitting the gym together by 2013, after the engagement. He couldn't stand to be around me then.

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