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(DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. It's important to remember this is all totally fabricated, embellished, and exaggerated for entertainment purposes.)


Out there's a land that time don't command

Wanna be the first to arrive

No time for ponderin' why I'm a-wanderin'

Not while we're both still alive

To the ends of the earth, would you follow me?

Ends Of The Earth – Lord Huron

I woke the next morning with the Aussie on my mind. Nothing else. I knew from the second I opened my eyes it was time to apologize, but wasn't quite sure I could gather the nads to do so just yet. I figured I'd run instead to wake myself up. Maybe find a little courage in the shower. On my way to the bathroom, I stopped in my tracks and puzzled over the sight before me. My dirty Vans were lying at the foot of the bed where we'd left them last night, except, they were now spotlessly clean. Not a smudge in sight. Not the blotch of coffee from that one time at Jeff's place in LA. Not the drips of red wine I'd snuck during my final day in Italy. And the single pink shoestring was now brighter and more prominent than the day I'd first laced it up. What the hell?? Had he really...? Woah. That was some next level doting right there, and it spoke to things developing between us that neither of us had the audacity to voice. It was also so submissive it turned me on irrationally.

I hurried to the shower, soaping myself up until my skin slipped irresistibly between my hands. I tweaked my nipples, caressed my stomach until it flinched in anticipation of me dipping lower. Squeezed my own ass. When I finally touched my cock, it stood to attention, instantly making me forget my hangover. I dipped under to my balls, shuddering at how good I felt in my own hands. They were scorching hot. I shut my eyes and pictured him holding me the night before, undressing me, putting me to bed, and then spending the rest of his time hand washing my shoes when he should've been sleeping and hating me for the things I'd said to him. He was wrapped so far around my finger I shivered when I contemplated the things I could convince him to do for me. I envisioned his long, gorgeous body from the morning before, his huge cock bulging out of his briefs so irreverently; his gorgeous ass flexing beneath the slight material, his nude pink lips hypnotizing me as he talked——and at last came explosively down the drain, moaning unreservedly. Meat choked in my hand.

We met up in the kitchen on my way out, and I felt so awkward for beating off to him, I couldn't even say hello. Instead, I reached for the fridge, and our hands met on the handle. My heart shot into my throat as I pulled my mine away.

"Sozza," he smiled softly. Apologizing in his adorable Aussie way. I couldn't respond. I just nodded awkwardly then darted out the front door for my run.

Fuck, fuck fuck! I growled, headed out of the gate into the surrounding forest. There was somewhat of a trail blazed through the trees ahead, and I followed it for as long as I could. Imagine Dragons "Believer" kept me company. I pounded the gravel at a brutalizing pace, screaming 'Painnnnn!' in my head along with the chorus, as it was all I felt. From head to toe. Inside and out. Tired of being tired. Pissed the fuck off with being pissed off. Murderous. Vengeful. Ready to go John Wick on the next son of a bitch I saw.

"Believer" was of course followed by "Radioactive," "Thunder," and "Demons" as I lost myself to the wilderness and allowed the primal drumbeats to overtake my faculties.

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