Recorded History [Extra]

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As science and technology advanced borders formed and political exchange and interaction became more common with the nations of the earth.

Humans were separated by lands slowly discovering continents as their history moved on man fought man.

Anthro fought Anthro.

Other species could rival humans in intelligence and far surpass them physically. They were on average more prominent, stronger, faster, durable, and superior senses, than those of average humans.


1723- A massive 8th continent was officially discovered; it spans across the Pacific with dense jungle. Many ships ventured to the continent but no crew would ever return, through the mouths of the survivors it was deemed a devil pit where furred beasts roamed the lands; where the smallest of them dwarfed man; the weakest having the strength of 10. These tails secluded the massive land mass.

1847- A British exploration fleet was tasked with the exploration of the continent and potential settlement, through the past years the British took the challenge to venture where beasts roamed; forming first contact with the Anthros. this first contact ended in the destruction of the vessel crew included. multi attempts were made but would not be successful until.

1858- A British War fleet was sent to the continent deployed from the British Raj and was tasked with carrying out the same mission as its predecessor; the fleet approached with extreme precaution, once intelligence was gathered after several days it was discovered humans were on the island; after intense communication with the Anthro tribes they were allowed to explore the outskirts of villages; it turns out all of the humans that visited were either killed because of their actions or kept as "Pe'ks," used for assistance in many things and in return allowed barely decent living conditions; they referred to humans as "Sli'mea" which roughly translated into Squishy.

1900-The continent was now known throughout the world as Anno; the continent consisted of many countries that came together to form the "Union," a massive union of countries ruled by Anthros, that had many groups of different Anthros such as Shark, dragon, fox, feline and many more coming under the banner of "Anthro Union."

1918- Anno was used as a gateway of trade between the Americas and Asia making it a massive trading hub. The Unions sat out of WW1 deeming it a "Human Problem." They limited trade and interaction with many Nations till the end of the war. This decision spared them many deaths from the Spanish flu.

1942-WW2 raged on; the Union had sat out the war until the Japanese Empire made advances on the Union bombarding their coast and sinking many Neutral Union ships civilian and military; even occupying small Union islands. After many failed Diplomatic attempts Union Forces marched on Japanese soil which led to the destruction of the Empire, the Japanese fought hard but after ~15,000,000 Losses the government fell while Union Losses were ~2,700,000.

There was a mixed response from Many Nations because the AU took Japanese-occupied territory. But the war ended in Allied victory with the collapse of the Axis powers.

 But the war ended in Allied victory with the collapse of the Axis powers

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