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[...Pissed yourself?....]

Somewhere in the Gulf of Mexico deep below the sea; Black Leopard continued to advance into UCA waters; they had made good time just as planned and were expected to land in a few more hours of travel; all of the crew were up; some procrastinating and some monitoring views of information like Azzrick and Zeka in the helm. It had been a grueling five days for the crew to be contained in a small space hundreds of feet below sea level.

Kal'el let out a yawn as she spun around in a chair bolted to the floor like many of the other furniture pieces they had; watching the blue shark and snow white coyote work, Finpa was reading a book in the crew quarters while Melvin was fast asleep; snorting and groans slipping out from time to time; while Ckleck was also in the helm, her talons clawing at the armrest of the seat; a scowl planted on her face.

"I need to get out of this fucking box," She grumbled; Kal'el continued spinning in her chair eyes planted-- on the ceiling.
"Ya know; I never knew how much I would miss fresh air; I'm tired of breathing in your hot breath for the thousandth time; so do us all a favor and stop opening you're mouth," Kal'el said pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Shut up; I could say the same to you pig!"

"Oh please; my breath is like cherries; sweet and savory; while yours is like death; horrible and unforgiving."

"I'll show you something unforgiving," Ckleck bounces from her seat and stomps towards Kal'el fist balled, Azzrick spun around to look at the situation beads of sweat dripping down his face, "Oh come on guys; it's not all that bad it's recycled; so technically-" Ckleck jutted her head towards him. "Shut up and keep watching those screens!" Zeka flumped on the desk letting out a sigh.

"Can you guys stop it already? You're only making this mission worse..." Ckleck pointed towards the feline bearing her teeth in her direction, "This bitch doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut!"

"Please; I was only speaking for the rest of us; you've already made some of us too scared to speak our mind," she said motioning towards Azzrick. "Can you guys please stop? You're giving me a headache; haven't you guys argued enough during this little trip?" Zeka said rubbing her hands on her head. "It's not my fault he's such a wuss!"

Kal'el picked at her claws before turning her gaze back toward the wolf. "You need a good fucking. . ." A growl escaped Ckleck's throat her face a deadly scowl. "Is that the only thing you think about pig!? You complain about my breath but you've deep-throated so many-"

Alarms suddenly blared from the helm; several dots appeared on a monitor next to where Azzrick was sitting; there were a large number of them some were scattered from each other while others were clumped together.

Ckleck clomped over to Azzrick hovering over him. "What the hell is it?" He typed away at the keyboard; several images appeared on the screens displaying information about the dots; they showed various images with descriptions underneath reading 'Destroyer,' 'Supply boat,' 'Frigate,' 'Hospital Ship,' 'Aircraft Carrier,' 'Warship Class NC,' "Their all ships we have on record," he said.

Finpa and Melvin came from a corridor behind the helm; with Finpa standing beside Zeka and Melvin a few paces behind them; All of B.L. was now at the helm all looking at the situation.

"Status? Have we been spotted somehow?" Finpa asked brows furrowed at the screens.
"No, no we haven't; I don't know why there are so many ships in the area though. . ." Azzrick said. "They could be moving ports?"

Suddenly an explosion rocked the vessel; making lights flare as the creaking of the hull intensified, "General quarters!" Finpa shouted as she took a seat strapping herself in; she looked at her team as they also took position; there was no way they were somehow found out was it? The general assured them that their stealth-- would be guaranteed, "These skinners are just full of surprises aren't they!?" Ckleck commented as she held onto her straps.

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