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"That's it, scream! Aren't you having so much fun!? FUN!? FUN!? FUN!?"

My little doll is having so much fun! Look at her; she's so excited she's covered in fun juices! She looks like a cherry, my little red cherry! She sees me pick up another toy; she's so excited she screams for me to hurry up so I can play with her some more! I'm so happy about how eager she is!

"Coming, my little doll!"

I get to her as fast as I can and look at her; her hair is all sticky and clumped together, not smooth or flowy at all! But at least the color is pretty.

"That won't do, my little doll; I expect you to look pretty at all times, were you crawling in the pit again? silly you!"

I use the toy to brush her hair; she is so thoughtful and grateful to me for helping her keep her hair clean; that she cries from pleasure! But her hair; is extremely knotted and tangled, causing me to tug on it a great deal; I tug and tug harder; and she yells to encourage me.

But a knock at the door caught me off guard, causing me to tug a little too hard on her hair; something rips; as she screams louder until she goes quiet, uh? I look at my little doll, where did her hair go? Bringing the brush into view, her hair was tangled and caught all inside of it; fun juices coated it as it dripped to the floor.

Another set of knocks comes to the door; until a butler oh so rudely intrudes on my fun time, "J-Joy, sorry to interrupt, b-but we have some news that you might find interesting..."


"Yes, but there might be something even more fun if you give me the chance to show you,"

Looking at my little doll, she wasn't moving; she wasn't screaming to play anymore; I moved my hand over her now hairless head; it looked like a meatball covered in tomato sauce; it made funny squishy sounds as I did so. "I'll be back my little doll ok?" I waited for her to answer for a while, but she didn't.






I looked at the butler standing in the doorway, "You made me break my doll! She's broken now!" I could feel the fun leave every part of me as she sat motionless; this was supposed to be my fun time, but that butler ruined it; looking at my hands, the sticky fun juice clung to them.

"S-Sorry Joy," Butler tells me, "It's fine; it was an accident right? I forgive you!" Walking up to the Butler. I put a smile on my face, brushing my hands on my side as I did so. "So? What did you want to show me?"

"Please follow me,"

He leads me throughout the base; along the way, I wave at some of my other dolls strung up in their rooms; their faces fill with happiness as they look at me through the big windows on each side of me. We reach the cool room where all the big; gizmos and gimmicks line the wall, other butlers typing away at them.

"Look, Joy," He gestures toward a screen where a ship sails through the blue cotton candy sea; looking at it, the flag that sat on it was familiar; the something united something if I recall right; wait, didn't master tell me about them before? About how fun was to be had with them?

"This is the first time those skinners left their little bubble of a fortress; this might be the first time we could have the opportunity to atta- have fun with them if given the chance." Butler has a point! I could impress Master if I had fun with them first; Master would be proud of me!

"Where are they?"

"According to the drone, they are several hundred kilometers away,"


This was not fun; not fun at all; all of my little butlers went away, the plan was perfect; everything about it! So why the fuck was an AU ship there helping them? The burns on my arms stung; my perfect black and red fur was ruined, I was supposed to be in control of the dolls on the ship when it sunk; I was supposed to have fun and make my master proud, but the AU took it away from me.

They took away the fun just like this butler. Looking at him, we sat on the boat going back to the rig, the waves splashing on each side of us; the stars laughed at me, they laughed at me, Me ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME! MASTER WILL NOT BE HAPPY WITH ME! MASTER WILL THINK I RUINED THE PLAN! MASTER WILL THINK BADLY OF ME! MASTER WON'T LOVE ME!

"I am bored," I tell him; he winces at his injured leg and arm; him being burned as well. "S-sorry Joy, we don't have time- I mean, we could... Play when we get back..." This was all his fault for bringing up that stupid plan of his; his fault; for telling me about it.

"I wanna play now," I told him again, looking at him this time. "S-sure... What do you want to play?"

"I spy; I'll go first; I spy with my little eye... A dead body..." He looks around at the void that surrounds us. "W-where?"


"Bang! HA AH HA HA!" his head explodes into confetti FUN! I look at the smoking toy; they fun leaves as I start remembering the Dolls and that AU ship; what could little o'l them be planning? I can't help but think about them; they made me look like a clown; it's all their fault; the UCA and AU, I'll remember that... I have a good memory.

UCA and AU, UCA and AU, UCA and AU, UCA, and AU, sitting in a tree, K I S S I N G.

"Fun fun fun, we're gonna have so much fun together, fun fun fun, who likes fun? I do, JOY JOY JOY! Who likes fun? I Do!"

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