CH 8: For All Mankind PT1

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[...She looks hungry...]

The bells ranged throughout our bunk areas; alarming us of yet another moment we had to live through this hell; I grab Lea; probably a little too hard than I meant to but we had to be quick, I saw her stumble to her feet as we and the other bunk mates rush to walls, I held her hand tight in my mine, Her small fingers too weak to put much strength back into the hold.

I shoved her in front of me putting her between me and the wall, I looked down at her rugged nappy hair which stopped at her shoulders; it was filled with filth with some of her ends being a nasty burnt.

Taking quick glances around the bunks; I could see the fear implanted into the faces of the captives; all of them skinny and rugged; covered in stains that had been collected over the months or years they had been here; many of their white uniforms were torn at the end of their pants or sleeves.

Switching my gaze toward the pile-high bunks me and Lea had slept on since we had gotten caught had been a pain; they were barely beds; more like hard stone covered in thin cloth; the bed we slept on back at camp with Dad was a lot better than this.

My forehead touched the stone-cold wall as I moved us closer to it, I looked at Lea who was also doing the same; far more tired than me I knew for sure; I'm proud of her for keeping face; knowing she didn't have the strength she needed.

The double doors to our bunk opened as the beast dressed in A.D.O uniforms enter; their black boots and armor clanking against the smooth concrete as they come further in, I see one of them grab a woman by the hair; she had looked too weak to move before; her entire frame was skin and bone; she let out screams as the beast dragged her away; her voice was bouncing around the walls until it dragged her out the room; shutting off her cries as the doors slammed behind them.

I could feel Lea flinch when the doors slammed shut, I tightened my grasp on her shoulders as the clanking of metal on concrete grew louder; creating a wicked symphony.

Taking a few glances I could see them rummage through bunks or pile high dusty old crates in the corner, Managing to sneak a peak at the row of captives lined up; one of them falls out of line hitting the back of his head on the floor with a sickening crack to follow; blood pooled around his head which seemed to be an old man with grey locks of hair.

One of the beasts walks over to him and drags him by the ankle out of the bunk; leaving a trail of blood as it did so. I could feel Lea shaking in my hands; as much as I wanted to comfort her I knew I couldn't draw attention to us.

The beast started to pat us down one by one; some of them slamming the heads of the captives into the wall as they moved on the next, one of the beasts on one of the other rows threw a man to the ground; a clank following; I wanted to look some more but I didn't want to be caught looking like an owl; so I listened.

I could hear tussling followed by several muffled impacts of sorts; then a single shot ranged out taking me off guard; as it echoed throughout the bunk, I had been paying so much attention to the scuffle taking place I didn't realize a beast was right behind me till I felt its large hands grab me by the shoulders.

It ran its claws over me; flowing from my neck down to my legs and then my feet, I could hear Lea let out whimpers as it patted me down; I pushed against her more to hide her away but the beast seemed to take notice, it shoved my shoulders pushing me out of the way; I could get a clear look at it now; covered in black head to toe; I had seen these things so close before only a few times; but every time it happened it reminded me just how much bigger they were compared to us, and how much danger I was in.

I could see Its electric purple eyes behind the mask it wore; it looked at Lea and then stared at me; I don't know what I was expecting but I was expecting something; rather; nothing came; it simply let me go and moved on to the person beside me. What the hell was all that about?

The inspection continued for I don't know how long, but once it did I sat with Lea on our bunk looking at her pale skin; multiple bruises, and scratches that spotted her; she didn't deserve this; I could only wish there was more I could do to help her; more that I should have done to help dad; but I was a coward.
I could still see the lights behind us when we ran through that forest; when the beast hunted us down. And threw us in here.

Looking around; the blood still stained floor from before; no one bothered to clean it; they were all too busy starving or talking in groups ignoring it, I pulled Lea closer to me running my hands through her hair; trying to make her look like the little princess she deserved to be; it was supposed to look bright gold; it was supposed to sparkle; but it looked more brown and matte than anything.

The bell ranged again; this time low and deep marking that we all needed to head toward the mines; I waited for the bunk to clear and then picked Lea up and placed her on the floor; making sure she walked beside me at all times.

We left through the double doors following a few good meters away from the main group, we made our way through the large hallway which was composed of nothing but grey concrete.

As we passed I swore we were being watched; a feeling I knew all too well.

"Hey you, come here"

I instantly looked around stopping in my tracks; I looked behind me only to see the long hallway; looking back ahead I could also see that we had fallen behind now; so much so that I couldn't see the group anymore.

"Back here"

No there's no way I am going crazy, am I? Where was that voice coming from? I looked back and forth again to still see nothing. The voice seemed to only grow more impatient as it spoke again.

"Are you deaf or what skinner?"

Skinner? Walking back a little I saw another hallway leading to an abyss; there was no way I could have missed this, was this always here? Moving into the hallway a pitch-black figure suddenly appeared causing me to stumble back a bit.

It finally came out just enough to where its eyes glowed in the dark which it stood in; an electric purple coming from them. I instinctively backed up realizing it was a beast. It looked at Lea and then at me.

"That you're sister? What is a kid doing in this block?"

I pushed Lea behind me looking at it.

"What's it to you?"

I couldn't help the venom from spewing into my words; I knew I should act differently for the sake of Lea but I couldn't help it; I despised these things; for what they've done to me; to Lea; to Dad; to us. It tilted its head, getting just a tad closer to us.

"What's it to me? Children are not allowed in this block," It said shaking its head

"Oh yeah? No one said anything to me before!" I raised my voice a little too high as it stared at me. It moved in on us; closing the distance in an instant, Taken aback I almost fall but it caught me. What?

It looked down at me and then at Lea again.

"She looks hungry. . ."

It shoved something into my stomach; looking down I could see something large wrapped in parchment in its hand, It didn't break eye contact with me the entire time. As much as I hated to admit it I felt intimidated by it; I glanced at its hand then back at it.

"Take it. . ."

I looked at its hand; hesitant to reach for it as it hovered over me, I could feel its eyes burn holes in my head the entire time; I must have taken too long because it grabbed my wrist and shoved it in my hand.

"This is. . . Only for her, understand?"

Just as quickly as it came it disappeared into the darkness. I looked down at Lea who was hugging my leg the entire time. What the hell just happened?

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