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[...Lieutenant Jona Klein Archer...]

Looking back on the ship I had spent months on one last time; I couldn't help but smile; being cramped inside it for so long was aching, walking over to my car hoping to leave the harbor I knew there was a long drive ahead for me if I was planning to make it all the way to Dakota to see Ma and Pops, thinking of them made Luis suddenly pop in my head for some reason; bringing me back to that little promise that we would meet up for an outing in the coming days.

Seeing all the cars packed together at a significant intersection the flow of traffic was slow; nothing but constant honking going off all around me, turning the knob to the radio it comes to life.

'With the typhoon expected to clear later this week, Unity Day celebrations are still underway. In other news, the president has just announced the infrastructure act of 2071; it plans to combat the nearly one hundred-seventy million people who are without proper residence and another thirty million at risk of losing their homes; it will as well bring significant infrastructure improvement; some parties and many citizens support the act such as the representative of Brazil and the US with fifty-eight percent of the country backing them; saying it will bring jobs and homes; while environmentalist and the agriculturalists say destroying the remaining natural habitat and farmland of the country will have dire consequences in the future such as food shortages and mass extinctions of plants and animals; backing these groups are the representatives of Argentina, Canada -'

I flipped to a different station not wanting to listen to the news; an upbeat song started playing and I couldn't help but nod to the beat as traffic finally began to move; allowing me to gain access to the interstate.

I slowed down as my phone buzzed making sure to be careful.


LUIS [2:34 AM]

+899 (7289) 8730- 81999


-Yo Jona my fams is all ready we could come early to celebrate unity day as well? start a few days early? no rush tho let me know if ur up for it see ya chica :)

Hey, I'm sure my folk won't mind, and neither would I, can't talk long though on the road-

I'll get back to you-

-Great cant wait chica drive safe c ya soon! ;D



Rows of tall trees towered over me as I drove on the long secluded road with nothing but my headlights providing any source of light; the moon flickered in between the gaps of the trees as I zoomed past them, seeing the first sign of civilization I had seen in miles; a little gas station reveals itself on my right.
Pulling into the parking lot, a loud noise caught my attention; turning off the car and hopping out I could hear rustling from behind the store where the forest continued; and what sounded like a hushed voice before it vanished.

Walking to the back of the store some more; a giant rat suddenly jumps out making me yelp a little as it scurried out of the trash bins, What am I even doing? Walking to the entrance and going inside the bell jingling; the store itself was unsurprisingly small; nothing but a shelf in the center and a few coolers with the register on the left.

It was quite a mess in here actually; goods were scattered all over the floor like somebody wrecked the place, and the clerk was nowhere to be seen; what the hell happened here?

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