CH 16: Revengeful Attacks PT1

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[...Attack at the Crystal Spire...]

  "You have the nation of Klofs thanks, admiral, without your swift action, many more anthro lives would have been lost," the leader of Klof said, sitting down.
The UCA president stood, adjusting his glasses.

  "Your majesties, autocratic and democratic leaders, and all of those meeting today, I trust you have all been briefed on our situation, and that all of you know what is at stake, I would want to keep this brief and straightforward, over the past weeks the abominationus have arrived much sooner than we predicted, already claiming thousands of lives, as seen by soldiers of both the AU and UCA, so I propose a united coalition to advance our technological and military progress to combat these creatures, and I think I speak for the civilized world when I say this is a must, as we are far too lucky for only two to have taken place."

  He sat down, earning applause from anthros and humans, mainly the troops who were present for the attack, but the standing of Astrea'lamon quickly earned silence in the room, her long veils fluttering when doing so.

  "Oh, how so graceful of thy UCA, Mr. President, however, I have a far better resolution, hand over the vortex schematics the UCA use to eliminate the abominationus, and the AU will do the rest, there shall be no desire for the AU and UCA to ever work together, for we must naught forget the past, even if such beings exist." She spat, those supporting her or having a plan disliking of the thought of working with humans applauding her.

  Exchange after exchange, rebutting after rebutting, defense after defense, the brewing of a cold war among those present in the room, a game of sidestepping and backtracking, and the re-emerging of the past.

  "Let us not pretend that we haven't just fought a 4th world war with your nation, just the changing of three letters into three different ones doesn't solidify our predicament, need I naught remind this council of the 500 million plus anthros lost during the war, the nuclear bombing of Shlerine, 15.8 million, the desert conflicts, 20.7 million, the coastal battles to defend Anno, 31.1 million, or," she growled, "The UCA funding of F.A.M. terrorist that have claimed more 3 million lives. Need I go on!?"

  The room filled with growls, anthros staring daggers of murderous intent at the UCA-filled seats, Ckleck being among them, fully displaying her rows of razor-sharp teeth at several UCA officials.

  The president looked at the admiral who only shook his head, "Great, just what we need, pimped-up royals with a grudge," he shook his head, massaging his face.

  "Allying ourselves with such brutal barbarians will be the cessation of the Union, thy UCA will be doing every single one of us a favor of just handing the vortex technology over, such as I thy demand of them, and those shrewd enough to follow me as well," she spat, raising an arm to revel her pure white coat, Astrea'lamon relished in the division that quickly rose through the chamber, anthros yelling vulgarisms at UCA officials, several council members also cheering her on.

  "What does the UCA have to say for themselves!?" She spat with poison, her maw which passed through her veil revealing her lips forming into a sadistic smirk, gazing at the soon erupting volcano. The president's face wrinkled as he removed his glasses, gripping the bridge of his nose, sighing. "That wasn't even us," he chuckled, "What won't she use?"

  Zeka stood, surprising everyone in B.L. when doing so, Finpa even hissing at her to sit back down, as she broke the neutral silence the squad had presented thus far, "I call for the mic!" She shouted, raising a blue plain card, earning the attention of the chamber, an anthro in primal wardrobe allowing her to speak, the Queen's lips curling into a smile when she did so, "Please, speak your mind," she said.

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