CH 11: For All Mankind PT4

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[...The beginning of the end...]

"That's all you got?" Killa mocks me, I try to swing at her, but instead, she pulls a funny move, slamming me into the floor, I try to get up, but she wraps her legs around my neck tightly. Need air! Putting my hands on her legs, I try to pull them apart, but her hold is too tight. "Dead," she tells me, "Again,"

  Dashing toward her, I try to make her stumble by trying to juke her, but all the air gets knocked out of me as she smashes her foot in my stomach, making me fall, by the time I had some strength to move again, she was already sitting on top of me fist raised with a massive smirk on her face, "Dead, again."

  She grabs my arm and slams my face to the ground, she pulls on my arm so hard I thought at any moment it would pop out the socket, but I feel her climb on my back like I'm one of them riding animals, I feel her hot breath near my ear, "Dead," she whispers.

  This is unbelievable; how have I not managed to hit her yet? She gets off me, and I lay on the floor for a while, trying to catch my breath, "I must admit rook, you got amazing stamina, but you use it for the wrong things, you gotta be more efficient with how you move," The door to the training room opens as Leatherman, or 'Fable' he calls himself, whistles as he looks down at me, jeesh I must look pathetic right now.

  "How is the boy doing? Because by the looks of it, he looks like shit," he asks Killa, I hear her laugh, "For a rook? Surprisingly a lot better than the others,. . . You wanna have a go too? Can't be letting you get all rusty yourself, you know?" I sit up and look at the two, killa the really pretty woman had her attitude changed completely, I noticed that she had been doing that a lot whenever Fable was around her, "The only wrestling I prefer is the one in the sheets," he says walking over to me.

  "You offering?" He ignores her as he looks me right in the eyes, "You hear that boy? Little mistress over there says you got talent, that true?" I thought I was gonna look as old as him for how long it felt like he was looking at me, "I dunno," he whistles again, them fancy leather shoes he's wearing never going quiet as he walks back over towards Killa, "Hear that? The boy said he don't know,"

He shakes his head before walking out of the room, leaving Killa with this look on her face I've seen painted on her before, "Again," she tells me, "A-already, not a few minutes longer?" she stomps over to me, looking down at me, "Breaks been over,"

The water runs down my face, I know I need this training, but the longer we stay here the longer I feel that time is running out to get Lea back in my arms, it has been a couple of weeks of all this nonsense, and I don't know if I'm getting better or worse, I know they need time to plan, I know things are gonna get carried out eventually and I know. . . I know Lea is alright. My face looks pale, either that or the mirror is wrong with color or something. . . Time to do it again.


  This is it! It was finally time, I held the rifle tight in my grasp, my heart felt like it would jump out of my chest the longer we sped across the ocean, "You're finally awake," Killa tells me, I shrug "Never went to sleep, especially not now. . ." I tell her, everything was almost completely black as me, Killa, Fable, and the big man with a thumb for a head, or Cupa he goes by, along with a few others, crowd the boat.

  Cupa, looked weird, like if a white guy was black, and a black guy was white. . . His skin was white. But his face was like a black person's. . . I've been curious about it but didn't know if I should ask or not. . . But I want to though. . .

  Never knew how dark the middle of the ocean could get, being in the forest there was always the moon or some type of light, but out here, it was just a void... Not even a star in sight. We approach the oil rig, weeks of planning, training, waiting. . . All leading to this.

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